The Limited Times

Blood supplies are becoming increasingly scarce - this is how you can donate blood

6/15/2022, 2:15:38 PM

Blood supplies are becoming increasingly scarce - this is how you can donate blood Created: 06/15/2022, 16:04 By: Janine Napirca Have you ever been dependent on donated blood in your life? You can find out how you can donate blood yourself here. Around the World Blood Donor Day on June 14, many media, but also stars such as singer Vanessa Mai or footballer Leon Goretzka, draw attention to the

Blood supplies are becoming increasingly scarce - this is how you can donate blood

Created: 06/15/2022, 16:04

By: Janine Napirca

Have you ever been dependent on donated blood in your life?

You can find out how you can donate blood yourself here.

Around the

World Blood Donor Day on June 14,

many media, but also stars such as singer Vanessa Mai or footballer Leon Goretzka, draw attention to the importance

of donating blood


Because of leukemia, for example, many people depend on other, healthy people to donate blood.

Have you ever donated blood or would you like to but don't know how to do so?

Read here how you can become a

blood donor

yourself .

Are you allowed to donate blood?

– fill out the DRK questionnaire in just a few minutes

On its website, the German Red Cross (DRK) provides information on how you can donate blood.

If you have never donated blood before, you can use the short questionnaire

"Donation Check"

with 30 questions to find out whether you are currently a suitable donor.

For example, anyone who has had a cold or runny nose within the past seven days must wait until the symptoms have completely subsided before donating blood.

Even if you have been infected with HIV, you must not donate blood.

Did you know that heterosexuals are less well informed about STDs than people in the LGBTQI+ community?

do you donate blood

It is vital for many people and blood supplies are running low.

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

How and where can I donate blood?

Information on when and where you can donate blood can be found on the German Red Cross website.

To reserve an appointment to donate blood online, you must proceed as follows.

  • First select your



  • You can then use your

    zip code



    to search for locations with available blood donation appointments.

    Also enter a time period within which you would like to donate blood.

  • You will then be shown the

    available places and times

    at which you can come to donate blood.

  • Book an appointment online

    , become a blood donor and save lives.

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    This is how a blood donation works at the German Red Cross

    According to the DRK, the blood donation itself only takes about ten minutes.

    However, you should allow about an hour for the entire donation process.

    Blood donation process at the German Red Cross (may vary from state to state):

  • Reception & registration

    : Your personal data will be recorded by the German Red Cross for blood donation.

    If you already have one, please bring your blood donor card and an official photo ID with you.

  • Medical Questionnaire

    : After registering, you will need to answer a few questions about your health.

  • Temperature measurement & Hb value rapid

    test: Your body temperature will be measured and it will also be determined whether the concentration of the red blood pigment (hemoglobin) in your blood is sufficient or whether there is an iron deficiency.

  • Medical check-up

    : The doctor will go through the questionnaire with you again for any open questions or details.

    Blood pressure and pulse are also checked before each blood donation.

  • Confidential self-exclusion

    : If you are not completely sure whether your blood can go to patients due to other risk factors, you can exclude your donation from use here.

    You can still donate and your blood will always be tested for pathogens and viruses.

  • Donating blood

    : Medical professionals will take the blood from you, 500 ml in about ten minutes. You will then lie down and rest for a short time.

  • Your refreshment

    : After the blood donation, you will be provided with food and drink to strengthen yourself.

  • Source: German Red Cross
