The Limited Times

Dobel: Twelve huskies apparently suffocated in overheated boxes – penalty order against keeper

6/15/2022, 2:39:49 PM

The investigators speak of "considerable suffering": A woman from Baden-Württemberg apparently brought 26 huskies in a miserable way, twelve animals died. Now she has to pay a fine.

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Photo: erika8213 via www.imago-images.d / imago images/erika8213

The District Court of Calw in Baden-Württemberg has issued a penalty order against a woman because she is said to have violated the Animal Welfare Act.

The woman kept her 26 huskies in 18 transport boxes in an almost completely enclosed vehicle on a July night last year, investigators are convinced.

The animals did not get enough water and fresh air and were "exposed to considerable suffering" for many hours, according to the prosecutor.

After a warm summer day, the temperatures did not drop below 17 degrees even at night.

Twelve of the dogs perished.

Two others had to be treated in a veterinary clinic.

According to the conviction of the court, the woman knew that the dogs could only be kept in the boxes during transport trips.

Death by suffocation?

Despite several expert opinions, the cause of death had not been clearly clarified, the public prosecutor said.

However, the authorities assume that the dogs died of suffocation and overheating.

The case had aroused great interest far beyond the region.

The animal protection organization Peta had announced that the dogs had suffocated in a van.

They were then buried to avoid investigations.

According to the Association of German Sled Dog Sports Clubs (VDSV), on the other hand, the owner had properly housed her animals in boxes and found 12 of 26 dogs dead in the morning.

The VDSV wrote that the animals could have been poisoned and canceled a sled dog race planned for the winter in Dobel to be on the safe side.

Peta, on the other hand, thought poison was the cause of death and filed a criminal complaint.

The woman should pay 150 daily rates.

The public prosecutor's office did not provide any information about the amount.
