The Limited Times

Healthcare, the employment contract of the 550,000 employees renewed

6/15/2022, 11:09:11 PM

The employment contract of the approximately 550 thousand employees of the Public Health of the National Health Service has been renewed: the hypothesis of renewal of the National Contract for workers in the sector was signed late yesterday evening by the nurses ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 16 - The employment contract of approximately 550 thousand employees of the Public Health of the National Health Service has been renewed: the hypothesis of renewal of the National Contract for workers in the sector was signed late yesterday evening, from nurses to radiologists to administrative staff, as well as midwives and researchers, among others.

   The first result achieved, say the trade unions, is an acknowledgment on the economic front: the minimum monthly gross increase is in fact 90 euros, but specific category allowances are also provided.

The contract is valid for 2019/2021 and affects precisely 545 thousand male and female workers.

   The agreement was signed by Aran and the trade union organizations Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp, Uil Fpl, Fials, Nursind and Nursing Up who express "great satisfaction for an important and long-awaited result".

With this renewal, "in the face of the resources financed by the government - say the unions - we recognize wages, rights and protections for workers who in these difficult years have faced the pandemic emergency, guaranteeing the stability of the Health Service and the health of citizens. The contract represents a point. starting point for an effective relaunch of the health service, which will now have to pass through greater resources and stable recruitments ".