The Limited Times

Passau: Driver shows speed camera the finger – 5000 euros penalty

6/15/2022, 3:03:21 PM

A man has been convicted of insult because he showed his middle finger to police officers in a speed camera vehicle. The price for the gesture: 50 daily rates of 100 euros each. And with that, the racer gets away well.

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Also has feelings: police officer with speedometer (symbol image)

Photo: Stefan Rampfel/ dpa

The district court of Passau has sentenced a driver to a fine of 5,000 euros because he was flashed - and showed the stinky finger.

The police officers who were in the speed camera vehicle had filed a criminal complaint for insult, as the district court and the public prosecutor's office in Passau and the Passau traffic police inspection announced on Wednesday.

The investigation against the 53-year-old from Passau dragged on for nine months.

At the end of May there was even a court hearing - in which he withdrew the previously filed objection to a penalty order according to the court and then accepted it.

He was sentenced to 50 daily rates of 100 euros each for insult in two cases.

From the court's point of view, the fact that the convicted person had not yet appeared in the criminal police in the past spoke in his favor.

In a letter to the two police officers, he said he regretted the incident and apologized.

However, the joint press release said it was “not a minor offence”.

And the verdict could have been “even more drastic”.

Insulted "in the worst way".

The penal framework for insult provides for imprisonment of up to one year.

"Depending on the nature of the incident or in the case of people who have already been convicted, even a prison sentence without parole can be considered for an insult," the authorities said.

It is also not an isolated case.

It was only on Whit Monday that cyclists who drove past a speed camera in Passau insulted the people in the car "very badly".
