The Limited Times

UN, alarm for water and food supplies in the Azot bunkers

6/15/2022, 2:45:46 PM

Moscow ultimatum to the fighters in the plant, lay down your arms. Xi hears Putin: 'Everyone is pushing to resolve the crisis'. Medvedev doubts that Ukraine will still exist 'in a couple of years' (ANSA)

Thousands of

civilians have been trapped

in increasingly dramatic conditions in Severodonetsk under Russian siege, including the elderly, women and children, and the most urgent situation is that of the hundreds of people trapped in the bunkers of the Azot chemical factory.

The spokesman for the UN office for humanitarian affairs told the BBC, sounding the alarm on the shortage of water and food supplies, sanitation and electricity.

The United Nations, he added, is currently unable to provide the necessary aid due to the continuous bombing of the city.

Russia has

ordered to surrender

to Ukrainian forces barricaded in the Azot chemical plant in the eastern city of Severodonetsk within the early hours of today.

The Guardian reports it.

General Mikhail Mizintsev, the officer who was in charge of the siege of Mariupol, said the fighters should "stop their senseless resistance and lay down their weapons" starting at 8 am Moscow time (7 am Italian time).

Yesterday Mayor Oleksandr Stryuk said there are also 560 civilians inside the factory.

"Please do not forget the tormented people of Ukraine in war, let's not get used to living as if the war were a distant thing. Our memory, our affection, our prayers, our help always go close to this suffering people. so much and that he is carrying out a true martyrdom ".

The Pope said this at the end of the general audience.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said he doubts Ukraine will still exist "in a couple of years"


Tass reports it.

"I expect the Allies to announce new support for Ukraine, including weapons, both heavy and long-range systems."

This was stated by

Jens Stoltenberg

, the NATO secretary general, at a press conference.   

Macron: 'Kiev and Moscow will have to negotiate'


President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

This was reported by the Chinese state network CCTV.

China has always made an evaluation of the Ukrainian affair from a historical point of view and "from what is right and wrong, expressing independent judgments and actively promoting world peace and the stability of the global economic order".

President Xi Jinping, in a telephone conversation with Putin, observed that "all parties should push for an adequate solution to the crisis in Ukraine in a responsible way".

According to the official media report, Xi added that China "is willing to continue to play its role in this regard."

China is willing, together with Russia, "to continue to support each other on issues relating to fundamental interests and key concerns such as sovereignty and security, to intensify strategic coordination between the two countries, and to strengthen communication and coordination in the major international and regional organizations such as the UN, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ".

President Xi Jinping said this to Putin, in the report of the state network CCTV.

China is willing, together with Russia, "to continue to support each other on issues relating to fundamental interests and key concerns such as sovereignty and security, to intensify strategic coordination between the two countries, and to strengthen communication and coordination in the major international and regional organizations such as UN, BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization "Xi Jinping told Putin

The two sides, added Xi, should promote their action with emerging and developing market countries that "should unite and cooperate for the development of the international order and global governance in a more just and reasonable direction".

The Chinese president also stressed that since the beginning of 2022, in the face of turbulence and global changes, China-Russia relations "have maintained a good pace of development".

Bilateral economic and trade cooperation is progressing "steadily and the Heihe-Blagoveshchensk bridge has been opened to traffic, offering a new channel for connectivity between the two countries".

The Chinese side is willing to cooperate with the Russian side "

China has achieved remarkable results in terms of development and Russia expresses its heartfelt congratulations, recognizing that bilateral cooperation has developed steadily since the beginning of the year.

Moscow also "supports the global security initiative proposed by the Chinese side and opposes any force that interferes in China's internal affairs under the pretext of so-called Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other issues and is willing to strengthen the multilateral cooperation with China ".

China has achieved remarkable results in terms of development and Russia expresses its heartfelt congratulations, recognizing that bilateral cooperation has developed steadily since the beginning of the year.

Moscow also "supports the global security initiative proposed by the Chinese side and opposes any force that interferes in China's internal affairs under the pretext of so-called Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other issues and is willing to strengthen the multilateral cooperation with China ".

In today's phone call with Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that "Russia's actions to defend its national interests in the face of external challenges are legitimate".

This was stated by the Kremlin, quoted by Tass.

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