The Limited Times

FdI: Melons, dangerous? A displaced one could get rid of me ...

6/16/2022, 2:10:29 PM

"When you tell millions of Italians that I am dangerous for history, a person who could paradoxically kill millions of people, invade a state, or do things that the people with whom I am united have done, the risk is that something ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 16 - "When you tell millions of Italians that I am dangerous for history, a person who could paradoxically kill millions of people, invade a state, or do things that the people to whom I am joined have done, the there is a risk that someone, at a certain point, decides to free the world from this person who is so dangerous, because maybe he has some wheels out of place, and he doesn't understand the game ".

Giorgia Meloni said this in a video published on Twitter with the title 'My response to the insults of La7' and a series of clips of television programs in which the leader of FdI is spoken of.

    "There is a bit of everything, the accusation of carrying out murderous propaganda, of being a buffoon, of being surrounded by Nazis, more or less veiled references to Mussolini, Hitler, Putin. Some of which - added Meloni - I am united despite everyone knows my positions on the Ukrainian war. There is also a conductor who calls me the black woman. "

    For the leader of FdI, "on the one hand one should be happy to see these people resorting to their worst weapon without having real arguments, people so angry, desperate, envious that they react with this hatred to the fact that I continue to win and their stories do not buy them. nobody anymore.

   On the other hand, however - he observed -, I believe there is something deeply wrong with this ".

    "Perhaps for too long I have allowed oneself to go beyond the limits, because I am a person who has always said what he thinks, but - he continued - I am never wrong to speak, I do not need to use these tones and methods to campaign against my opponents, who are now all talking only about me, it's curious, but last week no. They realized now that the monster is there. They also noticed in the previous election campaign. I don't need to use these tones and I have always assumed my responsibilities, I am bored that others do not assume theirs. "