The Limited Times

Covid-19: Germany, England... The epidemic recovery is gaining momentum in France and Europe

6/17/2022, 12:34:47 PM

Many countries are showing rising indicators as new Omicron variants spread faster and faster. Portugal was a forerunner. Many European countries, starting with France but also Germany, the United Kingdom or Denmark, are in turn faced with an epidemic resumption of Covid-19. Various indicators have been on the rise there for several consecutive days, while new variants are taking root there at high speed. "The wave announced for the summer has unfortunately become a reality," warned German

Portugal was a forerunner.

Many European countries, starting with France but also Germany, the United Kingdom or Denmark, are in turn faced with an epidemic resumption of Covid-19.

Various indicators have been on the rise there for several consecutive days, while new variants are taking root there at high speed.

"The wave announced for the summer has unfortunately become a reality," warned German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on Wednesday.

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