The Limited Times

PSG: Ismaël Gharbi signs his first professional contract

6/17/2022, 2:46:22 PM

After several months of discussions, the PSG fell with Ismaël Gharbi who signed his first professional contract with the club of the ca

It was not an easy task, but after long months of discussions PSG came to an agreement with Ismaël Gharbi.

As announced by RMC Sport, information that we are able to confirm, the 18-year-old attacking midfielder remains in Paris!

He signed, this Friday, a first professional contract of three years with the club of the capital which will always have had its priority despite the interest of other large European cars.

Having to train regularly with the first team this season, Gharbi was coming to the end of his aspiring contract on June 30, 2022. He is now linked to PSG until 2025 and will be present for the resumption of training scheduled for July 4. next.

At the end of his first appearance in Ligue 1 against Troyes, on May 8, 2022 (2-2), he had also made no secret of his wish to continue the adventure with the capital club.

"I would like to stay," he explained.

It is an honor to train daily with his players.

For progression, there is nothing better.

I think you have to stay patient and focused on your daily work.

You have to work, work again until it comes and relive moments like this evening.

Every youngster would love to play here at PSG.


While discussions continue for other players born in 2004, like Wilson Odobert and Ayman Kari at the end of the contract, Gharbi therefore chooses continuity with the hope of continuing his progress at the highest level. .

Last season, he appeared five times in all competitions under Mauricio Pochettino.