The Limited Times

Announcement to Putin: What US President Biden is now planning militarily in Europe and Germany

6/29/2022, 6:44:41 PM

Announcement to Putin: What US President Biden is now planning militarily in Europe and Germany Created: 06/29/2022, 20:32 By: Patrick Mayer Joe Biden is clearly addressing Vladimir Putin. At the NATO summit in Madrid, the US President will present US plans for a military deterrent against Russia in Europe. An overview. Munich/Madrid - "Putin wanted the Finnishization of Europe. He will get th

Announcement to Putin: What US President Biden is now planning militarily in Europe and Germany

Created: 06/29/2022, 20:32

By: Patrick Mayer

Joe Biden is clearly addressing Vladimir Putin.

At the NATO summit in Madrid, the US President will present US plans for a military deterrent against Russia in Europe.

An overview.

Munich/Madrid - "Putin wanted the Finnishization of Europe.

He will get the Natoization of Europe.” At the summit of the transatlantic defense alliance Nato in Madrid, Spain (29/30 June), US President Joe Biden addressed Moscow ruler Vladimir Putin directly and presented the plans for how the USA can deal with its partners want to militarily deter Russia from further imperialism.

NATO summit in Madrid: USA announce increased troops to deter Russia

Finland's former neutrality is referred to as "Finlandization".

The Scandinavians will join NATO together with neighboring Sweden, which the military alliance also decided on Wednesday after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan surprisingly withdrew his veto at the beginning of the summit meeting.

An answer to the American announcement in the Ukraine war was not long in coming.

“I think that those who propose such solutions are under the illusion that they can intimidate Russia, somehow contain it.

They will not succeed," said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, according to the Interfax agency.

But what exactly is Biden planning?

How and where does the US intend to increase its military presence in Europe?

provides an overview:

US President: Joe Biden at the NATO summit in Madrid.

© Brendan Smialowski/AFP

More than 100,000 US soldiers in Europe: What Joe Biden is planning because of the Ukraine war

  • A permanent military headquarters of the US Fifth Corps is established in Poland.

    So far, the United States has already headed the temporary battle group in Poland, and in the future US troops are to be stationed there permanently.

    Washington had already deployed 4,700 additional soldiers to Poland in early and mid-February - even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • The rotating US troops are being reinforced

    in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as in Romania .

    This means that the USA is sending additional capacities after the number of soldiers in Europe had already risen from 80,000 to 100,000 since the beginning of the year.

    The focus should be on NATO's eastern flank.

Because of the Ukraine war: USA strengthens air defenses over Germany

  • Air defense over Germany and Italy is strengthened.

    According to


    , 625 additional US soldiers will be sent to Germany to strengthen the air defenses of the NATO area in Europe, as ZDF reports.

    The US armed forces currently have 18 military bases in Germany with an estimated 40,000 soldiers.

    Washington had already sent 300 more soldiers in February, and in March 4,000 additional soldiers arrived at the Grafenwoehr base in the Bavarian Upper Palatinate.

    The Ramstein base in Rhineland-Palatinate is considered the most important European base for the US Army's air transport.

    The large Aviano Air Base is located in Veneto, Italy.

also read

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Russia now controls Luhansk almost completely - but US experts now see a disadvantage for Putin

  • Two new destroyers are deployed to the Spanish naval base Rota.

    This means that a total of six US destroyers will be stationed in the Andalusian port city in the Bay of Cadiz.


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