The Limited Times

Weekend weather: summer temperatures before a possible heat wave

7/8/2022, 6:06:54 PM

The weather conditions are expected to be summery for the weekend across the country. The sun is shining and the clouds are discreet. The heat will be bearable before next week which could mark the return of the heat wave.

France is under the influence of an Atlantic anticyclone blocking ocean disturbances according to

the Chaine Météo*


The good weather is therefore present over the whole of metropolitan France.

Only the North-East and the mountainous reliefs can observe some cloudy passages.

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The weather in your area :

Saturday, the sun is king.

The weather is fine with moderate heat in the

North-East and near the English Channel.

Only a few discreet clouds are appearing in the regions

north of the Seine in the Southern Alps and the Corsican Mountains.

The high temperatures are limited by the

North to North-East

wind .


Gulf of Lion

and its surroundings are still marked by the risk of fires starting due to the Mistral and the Tramontane which blow with gusts of up to 60 km/h.

Sunday the situation does not change, the blue sky imposes itself as well by the sea, in the countryside as in the mountains.

By the sea, the breezes will cool the beaches, which will be appreciable compared to the heat of the cities.

Read alsoThe fire in the Cévennes not yet fixed, other fire starts in the Gard

Strong heat is expected in

the South and West

and moderate heat in the


The heat is moderate between

the Channel coasts and the North East

with afternoon temperatures generally rising to 27°C.

The mornings in the countryside are cool with temperatures between 9 and 13°C.


the West and South

, temperatures are and are approaching 30°C on the Atlantic coast.


the plains of the South-West in the Mediterranean hinterland

they reach 36°C.

Count on 27 to 29°C in the afternoon in the


*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.

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