The Limited Times

“They believed these idiots from FIFA …” Acquitted and resentful, Michel Platini does not intend to stop there

7/9/2022, 10:30:19 AM

Acquitted by the Federal Criminal Court of Bellinzona on Friday, Michel Platini explained that he was going to fight against those who dismissed him

Implicated with Sepp Blatter in a fraud case that has lasted seven years, Michel Platini was acquitted on Friday by the Federal Criminal Court of Bellinzona.

In mid-June, the prosecution had requested one year and eight months in prison against the former leader of FIFA and that of UEFA, who hoped, at that time, to be the successor of his Swiss friend at the head of the great international football federation.

“We are going to start having fun”

And obviously, the former glory of the France team has stubborn resentment.

In an interview with L'Équipe, the triple Ballon d'Or, 67, savored his penal victory.

" All that for this !

It's good that finally the truth explodes after so many manipulations, lies and injustice.

I told you I was an honest guy, you had to believe me,” chanted the former number 10 and UEFA president.

Read alsoFifa trial: after his acquittal, what future for Michel Platini?

And "Platoche" did not stop there.

He also attacked those who have accused him for years: “Journalists from India, from China, from all over the world, fell on me because they believed these idiots from FIFA.

And afterwards, FIFA did a lot of tricks with the MPC (note: the Public Ministry of the Confederation).

Yes, it's a conspiracy, and it's not easy to come face to face with these people with their lobbyists and their millions”.

"I don't know if I will come back to football"

Even if the Public Ministry and FIFA can still appeal this judgment, Michel Platini already has other projects for the future.

And first, a complaint against FIFA.

“I can just say that I won't let anything pass, it's not over.

In France, I filed a complaint to find out exactly who manipulated everything, we are going to start having fun, ”attacked the former coach of the Blues.

What's next then?

For now, Platini has not yet decided if he will return to football: “I don't know.

I'm so young, I still have more hair than Infantino (the FIFA president he suspects is the source of his troubles)!

I still have many years ahead of me.

We'll see.

He could, for example, run for the presidency of the French Football Federation in 2024 after the departure of Noël Le Graët.