The Limited Times

Covid: 98,044 new cases and 93 deaths. Admissions in ordinary wards are rising

7/9/2022, 4:36:44 PM

The infections return below the 100 thousand threshold. The number of victims is down - 93 (yesterday 105) - and the positivity rate, which stands at 25.1%. Reinfections continue to grow according to the ISS weekly extended report. Mortality is 7 times higher for the unvaccinated. (HANDLE)


new infections



have been registered in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

Yesterday the infected were 100,690.

On the other hand, the victims are 93, down from 105 yesterday.

A total of 389,576 swabs were performed, including antigenic and molecular, with the positive rate of 25.1%, down from 27% yesterday.

344 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, 17 fewer than yesterday.

Daily admissions are 41. There are 8,864 people

admitted to ordinary wards

, 232 more than yesterday.

Covid leap, incidence above 1,000 in 11 Regions


From 24 August 2021 to 6 July 2022, 659,578 cases of reinfection

were reported

, equal to 4.6% of the total number of cases notified and the increase in the percentage of reinfections on the total reported cases continues, it is 10.8%, an increase compared to to the previous week (9.6%).

The analysis of the risk of reinfection starting from 6 December 2021 (reference date for the start of Omicron), sees an increased risk in those who have had Covid for over 210 days, in those who have not been vaccinated or vaccinated for over 120 days , in women, young people and health personnel.

This is highlighted in the extended weekly report Iss

Covid, Antonella Viola: 'Immediate vaccination for over 60s'


mortality rate of the population over 12 years

of age , out of 100 thousand people in the period 13/05 / 2022-12 / 06/2022, for the unvaccinated (11 deaths per 100,000 inhab.) Is 6 times higher than for vaccinated with a complete cycle for less than 120 days (2 deaths per 100,000 inhab.) and approximately 7 higher than those vaccinated with an additional / booster dose (2 deaths per 100,000 inhab.).

Compared to the overall population, the risk of death of the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated is more than 7 times higher (7.1) and reaches 8 and a half times (8.5) in the over 80 population, we still read in the extended Report.

The incidence rate and the hospitalization rate are increasing in all age groups


To say this is the

extended weekly ISS report on Covid

which integrates Friday monitoring.

In the 30-39 age group the highest incidence rate is recorded at 14 days, equal to 1,843 per 100,000, while in the 0-9 age group the lowest value is recorded, 1,012 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The median age at diagnosis of the subjects reported in the last few weeks is stable and equal to 48 years.

The national incidence figure is 1071 in the period 1/7 / 2022-7 / 7/2022 compared to 763 in the period 24/06 / 2022- 30/06/2022.

"The transmissibility index is 1.40, far above the epidemic threshold. This indicates an epidemic in the acute phase, with a sharp increase in cases. Even the so-called Rt augmented, even if slightly decreasing, always remains much above the '1, and therefore in any case signals an expansion phase ".

This is explained by

Patrizio Pezzotti

, director of the epidemiology department of the ISS.

"The Rt index is calculated on the symptomatic cases of 2 weeks ago, (consolidated data), while the augmented RT, which refers to last week's data, is based on data that may still be unconsolidated due to notification delays ".

The green light from the EMA for the extension of the Covid vaccine to the over 60s should arrive within 24/48 hours. The decision in this sense, anticipated two days ago by Marco Cavaleri, head of the vaccine strategy of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), will then be received very closely in Italy, as reported by the Republic.

Aifa and the Ministry of Health, it has been learned, are already at work and after the drug agency's passage there will be a circular that will be sent to the Regions.

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