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The Real Madrid star and his partner were robbed on holiday: the chef drugged them? - Walla! sport

7/9/2022, 4:07:18 PM

Mina Bonino and Federico Valverda experienced a nightmarish start to spending time in Ibiza: 10,000 euros were stolen from them, possibly through food poisoning

The Real Madrid star and his partner were robbed on holiday: the chef drugged them?

Mina Bonino and Federico Valverda experienced a nightmarish start to spending time in Ibiza: 10,000 euros were stolen from them, possibly through food poisoning




Saturday, 09 July 2022, 18:45

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Champions League Hospitality Tray (Roni Shermeister)

Real Madrid star Federico Valverda just wanted to spend a pampering holiday after a long and successful season that included a championship and winning the Champions League.

But his trip to Ibiza with his partner Mina Bonino became a nightmare on the first day: the journalist discovered on her Instagram account that the two had fallen victim to a robbery, possibly through poisoning.

Bonino, who said that about 10,000 euros had been stolen from the resort where she was staying with Valverda, claimed that there was concern that the chef they had hired had drugged them.

"When we got home, the chef was already there. He said there was only one key and he would take it so he would not disturb us when he came back to make breakfast the next day," wrote the footballer's partner, who pointed out some other strange things in the situation, such as "the lights They went out alone at home. "

"The next day I was unable to get out of bed. I sent a message to the maid to pick up my son because everything was going well for me, I felt very bad, but I thought it was because I was a pedal and I was not fit," she continued.

"An hour later I went downstairs and saw my suitcases in the living room, my flip-flops thrown away and the maid in the middle of arranging everything. 'Were you looking for something here?' She asked, but because I was still drugged, I must have laughed and understood nothing. "To perceive that something is wrong here. Everyone came from the assumption that I can leave everything messy like that."

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Federico Valverda (Photo: GettyImages, Silvestre Szpylma / Quality Sport Images)

Bonino was going to start the day, and when she went to get money from her bag - she realized he was gone: "There I started thinking how, when and where the money was. So the chef showed up and told me everything was messy when he arrived."

Concerns grew when the cook informed the couple that he was not interested in continuing to serve them, as he was unhappy with the office workers who rented the house to them because "these things always happen to them," he explained before leaving.

"The people came from the office and put on a whole show, saying that maybe the food was poisoned and they think the chef is to blame, so they took us for poisoning tests at the hospital," added Bonino, who came out clean on all tests just like Valverda.

"Everything is very effective so that they can empty my house without me noticing. We spent the whole first day in the hospital, when a friend vomited on me and I was robbed by an anonymous person who saw me sleeping naked - which is what bothers me the most."

The couple remained in Ibiza for two more weeks after the incident, which occurred on June 25,

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  • Federico Valverda