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Drinking enough in the heat: How much water the body really needs in summer

7/10/2022, 3:25:46 PM

Drinking enough in the heat: How much water the body really needs in summer Created: 07/10/2022 17:14 By: Catherine Küpper Summer fun or heat hell: The current temperatures are keeping Germany in check. It is important to drink enough – even more than previously thought. Summer has finally reached Germany. The great heat broods over the parks, in the apartments, on every street corner. You onl

Drinking enough in the heat: How much water the body really needs in summer

Created: 07/10/2022 17:14

By: Catherine Küpper

Summer fun or heat hell: The current temperatures are keeping Germany in check.

It is important to drink enough – even more than previously thought.

Summer has finally reached Germany.

The great heat broods over the parks, in the apartments, on every street corner.

You only have to step outside the door and a film of sweat forms on your skin, reports RUHR24*.



boiling point

100 degrees

melting point

0 degrees

Heat in Germany: Drink more water than previously thought – danger in extreme temperatures

Given this extreme heat, some may prefer to stay indoors, which can be kept cool with a few tips.

But sometimes barricading doesn't help, no fan - sometimes you just have to step out the door.

However, if you leave home in the blazing heat, you have to take care of yourself.

It's by no means a secret and sounds like a saying that mum gave you to play with on the way - but you can't emphasize it often enough: At these temperatures, drinking is extremely important!

Drinking water in extreme heat: Three liters is the right amount – sometimes even more

The heat in Germany is currently driving the motto: "36 degrees and it's getting even hotter"*.

In such weather, the human body needs exactly three things: water, water and water.

And exactly in this amount: Because contrary to the previously accepted two-liter rule

, an adult should drink at least three liters of water under such hot conditions


Possibly even more if sports or other activities are added.

In extreme heat, drinking a lot is important.

Sometimes more than four liters of water are necessary.

© Denis Charlet/AFP

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Heat summer has begun: sweating at high temperatures - drink water for your own protection

If the body does not get enough water or liquid, it can be dangerous.

The beloved balcony plants are the best example: if you forget to water them, they succumb to the sun and die.

At extreme plus temperatures, the human organism must also be watered sufficiently and regularly.

“In intense heat, the body reacts in a similar way to physical exertion - it starts to sweat.

Not only does it lose water, important minerals are also released.

It is important to compensate for this loss of fluids," explains Günter Wagner from the German Institute for Sports Nutrition Bad Nauheim at


The demand could even rise to four liters.

Drinking in the heat: Several liters of water required - amount depends on exercise

The body, which may already be weakened after a sleepless heat night*, starts up and reacts to the summer temperatures by sweating to cool itself down.

The liquid must be absorbed again, otherwise the person is threatened with collapse.

The measure: drink enough water.

But be careful, because not all liquids are the same.

The expert advises against soft drinks such as lemonade, juice or iced tea, as these would not properly quench thirst.

"In addition, they are very unhealthy and contain a lot of calories." Alcohol is also fatal in the scorching sun: The Federal Center for Health Education warns that alcohol gets into the blood faster in high heat and promotes circulatory problems.

Drinking water in extreme heat: Fluid intake also through fruit

Then rather the good, old, rock-solid and reliable mineral water.

To protect yourself and your body from the extreme heat, other thirst quenchers such as ginger water* also help, as reported



If you find it difficult to drink at least three liters of water a day, you can use a few simple tricks.

For example, according to the expert, the water balance can be balanced with fruit and vegetables with a high liquid content.

He also recommends drinking warm tea.

The stomach can cope better and has to work less, which in turn leads to cooling.

It seems paradoxical: Because with ice-cold drinks, the body needs more energy to process them - body heat increases.

*RUHR24 and are part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.