The Limited Times

Driving license change: what future drivers have to be prepared for

7/10/2022, 8:18:47 AM

The German government and the EU Commission want to change driver training. Several innovations are planned.

The German government and the EU Commission want to change driver training.

Several innovations are planned.

Kassel - Mobility is changing: Combustion engines should become the exception, e-cars with new assistance systems should take the helm.

Therefore, the driver's license training should also change.

The Auto Club Europa (ACE) assesses the new projects of the German Federal Government and the EU Commission as predominantly positive.

Among other things, driver training is to become more digital.

Driving schools were already allowed to teach digitally during the corona pandemic.

So far, however, this has been the exception.

Now the government always wants to allow digital lessons.

The Federal Council approved an extension with changes in February.

Now only the decision of the traffic light coalition is missing.

"The ACE welcomes the expansion of digital offers in driver training, as it simplifies access to a driver's license, especially in rural areas where the nearest driving school can sometimes be further away," says the ACE.

Driving license changes: Auto Club Europa (ACE) welcomes plans

E-cars accelerate the development of new assistance systems.

Therefore, the use of modern driver assistance systems has been part of the practical test since June.

Integration will be phased in, starting with easy-to-use and widely used systems such as adaptive cruise control.

The ACE says: “Driving assistance systems can help to avoid accidents if their mode of operation is clear.

From the point of view of ACE, integration into the driving school test can make a good contribution to this.

Since certain systems will be mandatory for new vehicles by the EU in the future, they must also be taken into account in the driving test".

According to the coalition agreement, the minimum age for accompanied driving could be lowered from 17 to 16 years.

Young people should be trained earlier for road traffic.

Accompanied driving has proven to be a success for road safety.

It significantly reduces the accident risk for novice drivers.

Lowering the minimum age would double the learning period.

The ACE welcomes this plan, "because it can be assumed that the risk of accidents will be reduced even further".

Another possible change: The maximum weight for the B driving license could increase.

So far, anyone who obtained a B-class driving license after 1999 may drive vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons.

The ACE is in favor of increasing the maximum weight to 4.25 tons.

(Jan Wendt)

Millions of driving licenses in Germany are invalid.

What drivers need to know.

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