The Limited Times

Faroe Islands: Only 500 dolphins killed per year are allowed

7/10/2022, 4:19:01 PM

The outcry after a big hunt last year was huge. Now the dolphin catch on the Faroe Islands is to be restricted.

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Controversial dolphin catch in the Faroe Islands: Almost 1,500 animals killed in a drive hunt in September 2021

Photo: AP

Faroe Islands restrict controversial dolphin hunt

This was announced by the autonomous government of the islands belonging to Denmark.

An annual quota of 500 dolphins should apply for 2022 and 2023.

Parts of the hunt have been "unsatisfactory" and the high number of animals killed is not a sustainable annual catch over the long term, the government said.

In September last year, hunters drove 1,423 dolphins into a fjord in one day and then killed them.

Photos of the dead animals on the beach and the blood-red water sparked horror and outrage on social media.

The environmental organization Sea Shepherd spoke of the largest herd of marine mammals that had ever died in a single operation in the Faroe Islands.

The killing was part of the hunting practice known as "grindadrap."

Traditional whaling has been practiced on the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic for centuries.

But the September pictures reignited the discussion about the hunt.

Almost 1.3 million people then signed a petition for a ban.

On the other hand, supporters of the hunt pointed out that dolphins and whales, which are also hunted, have been helping to feed the population on the islands for centuries.

Whaling goes back to the Vikings

In its statement, the government also noted that whaling is an important part of the Faroe Islands' livelihood.

For centuries, the residents have relied on the sustainable use of marine resources for their economy and to feed the population.

Whaling in the Faroe Islands dates back to Viking times.

The animals are herded into a bay by ships and boats, where they are slaughtered and the meat is then distributed free of charge to the participating communities.

Mainly pilot whales are shot, but sometimes dolphins as well.

According to Faroese counts, a total of 576 pilot whales and 35 white-sided dolphins were killed in 2020.

So the number of over 1400 dolphins killed was exceptionally high.


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