The Limited Times

High school graduates in Tartous: Our excellence is a national achievement and the result of serious daily study

7/10/2022, 6:12:50 PM

Tartous-Sana Excellence is the individual's ability to excel and achieve, and it is not a genetic trait as much as it is an acquired behavioral pattern.


Excellence is the individual’s ability to excel and achieve, and it is not a hereditary trait as much as it is an acquired behavioral pattern based on the will, determination and insistence to achieve the goal. Among these superiors are the sons of Tartous.

The student, Nagham Mofeed Suleiman, who was the only one with twelve classmates to obtain a full degree in the scientific section of the Martyr Iyad Wassouf School (Wadi Al-Shater) indicated to SANA reporter that she started preparing since last summer and organized her time and worked to invest it moment by moment through serious daily study for a year perfect.

Nagham, whose family and school played a major role in providing a supportive and appropriate atmosphere to reach this joy, advises every student to show determination, determination and self-confidence, and to begin his year by setting a goal in front of his eyes that he seeks and overcomes all obstacles.

The student, Julnar Khaddour, a resident of Al-Morouj neighborhood in Banias, who obtained a score of 2380 in the scientific stream, talks about her goal that she has sought to achieve since the beginning of the year by following her lessons and following up her teachers to study each lesson accurately while organizing her time and practicing her hobbies and finds that every student must hold on to confidence and optimism and stay away from stress To reach his goal, this was confirmed by her father, Yahya Khaddour, pointing to the superiority of his daughter since her childhood and her follow-up of her lessons within a supportive family atmosphere.

The outstanding student, Wael Mazyad Hassan, from the High School for Outstanding Students, with a total of 2891, the scientific section, describes the path to excellence as difficult, but the end of it is to achieve the dream by relying on hard work, patience, and the help of parents and school.

The outstanding student, Bahjat Maan Mihoub, who scored 2395, in turn, called on students who are taking the secondary certificate exams to pay attention to the stage that precedes the certificate, as it is a stage of establishing it and organizing their time because it is very valuable and resorting to teachers when facing any difficulty with the supporting role of parents, and this was confirmed by his father, Dr. Maan, who spoke About the distinction that his son was characterized by in his early childhood and his family keeping up with him, especially his mother Asima, an agricultural engineer who kept accompanying him and ensuring his comfort and relieving him of anxiety and tension.

The superior over Hassan Dakour from the High School of Excellence in Tartous, the scientific branch, with a total of 2895, saw that excellence is a battle for self-affirmation, and it is not an individual case but a national achievement, especially with the presence of the stimulating environment for success. .

Najwa Al-Ali

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