The Limited Times

In Brandenburg: For the first time, unvaccinated people are no longer allowed to go to their workplace

7/10/2022, 4:36:48 PM

Brandenburg is taking action: Two employees in the health system are no longer allowed to enter their workplaces because they refuse the corona vaccination. The local authorities made the decision.

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Cannula of a syringe (icon image)

Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / dpa

For the first time, entry bans have been imposed in Brandenburg for two employees in the healthcare industry who have not been vaccinated against the corona virus.

You can no longer work at your place of work.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Potsdam confirmed on Sunday that these were the first two cases in the state.

The "Märkische Oderzeitung" had previously reported.

There are individual case decisions that the local authorities make.

Corona vaccination has been compulsory for nursing and health staff since mid-March.

The Oder-Spree district announced on Friday that the entry ban had been imposed on two people at the end of June - they did not want to be vaccinated against Corona in the future either.

Since the management of the facility has announced that it has hired suitable replacement staff, there is no bottleneck and no reason for another exemption from the obligation to vaccinate.

The spokesman for the district administration was not available at the weekend.

In mid-March, employees in nursing homes and clinics, in medical practices and in outpatient services, midwives, masseurs and physiotherapists had to prove that they were fully vaccinated against the corona virus or had recently recovered.

If there is no proof, the facility must inform the health department.

It can prohibit those affected from entering their workplace or from continuing to work.

There is an exception for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.


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