The Limited Times

Morandi inaugurates piazza Lucio Dalla, 'he will come here every day'

7/10/2022, 11:00:49 AM

Gianni Morandi is moved as he sings a verse from Futura and next to him the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, discovers the plaque with the name of the new square that is born in the city, Piazza Lucio Dalla. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BOLOGNA, 09 JUL - Gianni Morandi is moved as he sings a verse from Futura and next to him the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, discovers the plaque with the name of the new place born in the city, Piazza Lucio Dalla.

"When a space like this opens up for citizens, transformed, it is a wonderful thing for the city. Then the fact that Lucio is named - underlines Gianni Morandi - there is also music in half, there will be shows, maybe I will come too to make a show among the people. Lucio for us Bolognese has never gone away, I think he is always there, I still hope that he will come out of a porch and now I imagine he will come here every day. Congratulations to those who administer Bologna ".

    Ten years after the death of Lucio Dalla, the Bolognese discover another space to remember him.

An area of ​​almost 6 thousand square meters covered by the 'Nervi' canopy, in the heart of Bolognina, which will be the protagonist of the summer with a recaprogramming until October, within the Bologna Summer 2022 billboard. "This is a new Piazza Grande for Bologna - ha called Lepore - which arrives after a long generation intervention in the Bolognina district and we are happy to dedicate it to Lucio, because the future city is here. Salute which has already been active for some years and an entire park behind this square, with a basketball court ".

Lapiazza will host the festival '

    During the inauguration there was also a protest against the slogan and banners of some activists - kept at a distance by the police - against the projects of the Municipality in Bologna.


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