The Limited Times

Storm on Burioni, accused of bodyshaming against Lega supporter

7/10/2022, 6:24:50 PM

Then he apologizes and removes the tweet. Salvini: 'He is a small man' (ANSA)

Accused of bodyshaming against a League supporter.

On social media there is a storm against the virologist Roberto Burioni who in a tweet, later deleted, is pointed out for having mocked a Twitter user who had sided with the Lega deputy Alex Bazzaro, defined by Burioni as "an irresponsible disinformer" after that the parliamentarian had declared himself against the fourth dose of the vaccine ("I will run the real risk of not doing it", said Bazzaro).

Replying to Burioni's tweet against the deputy of the Northern League ("I can't believe that an irresponsible disinformer proud of his pure ignorance like you are in the same party of good people like Luca Zaia and Massimiliano Fedriga") the girl, of ideas no vax, he had commented "

But at that point on the web the controversy had already exploded, even beyond the social networks.

The Lega parliamentarians announce that they will bring the matter to the Rai Supervisory Commission: "We will ask what measures Rai intends to take against Burioni. We will see him again in the politically correct team of 'Che Tempo che fa' or Fabio Fazio will give him a fair card red?".

The deputy of the League and head of the Party's Equal Opportunities department, Laura Ravetto expresses solidarity with Alessia and stigmatizes what she defines as "a full-blown act of bullying".

Giorgia Meloni also intervenes by urging the virologist to delete the tweet and to apologize which then happens.

"It wasn't my intention," Burioni says, admitting the mistake.

The secretary of the League Matteo Salvini also intervenes, defining Burioni "a small little man".

For her part, Alessia, the subject of the bodyshaming then retracted, from her twitter account posts pages of the 'Book of self-esteem': "I used it in high school and it was useful because I felt a little self-confident and it helped me a lot", she comments .

Not a very veiled message.