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Watch: The passenger who finds a delusional method of leaving the seat next to him is free - Walla! Tourism

7/10/2022, 4:24:54 PM

Through too long an eye contact and strange pats on the seat next to it, this passenger was able to save himself an entire row on the plane. Will it work for us too? Not sure. Watch Walla! Tourism

Watch: The passenger who has found a delusional method of leaving the seat next to him is free

Alone on the flight: Through too long an eye contact and strange pats on the seat next to him, this passenger managed to keep an entire row on the plane.

Will it work for us too?

Not sure




Sunday, 10 July 2022, 19:08 Updated: 19:19

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There is no doubt that the year 2022 is the year in which many passengers have discovered that flights are a much more annoying matter than in the past.

The factors are known to be cancellations and flight delays, high prices of flight tickets and also significant overbooking performed by airlines.

So, the road to getting a seat on a plane is already harder than before, but a whole line for yourself?

Well, there is one passenger who manages to make this happen in a pretty interesting method, not to mention embarrassing.

In a video uploaded to Tik-Tuk using the name mikewdavis, he is seen sitting in the seat of the plane of the American airline Southwest, when every time other passengers pass by, he looks up at them, makes prolonged eye contact, smiles with a kind (maybe too kind) expression and then pats His hand on the seat next to him.

It seems that these pats are the straw that broke the camel back of passengers who may have had to sit next to him, but move on, in search of an alternative seat.

Apparently the prolonged eye contact and the light pats on the seat cause many to walk away.

One way or another, not everything that is true of Americans is true of us as well.

The Matador Network website states that it is worth remembering that in order to perform the prank, one should book a seat as early as possible in an empty row but especially take into account that there may be some who might actually be excited about the super-friendly gestures on your seat and prolonged eye contact.


How to keep seats open next to you on a flight?

♬ original sound - mikewdavis

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