The Limited Times

Emmanuel Macron ordered to explain his links with Uber

7/11/2022, 6:37:51 PM

In an already tense political context, the oppositions quickly seized on these “Uber files” implicating the head of state.

Here is the executive under the fire of criticism, once again.

Almost two months after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron is implicated by an investigation by

Le Monde

, revealing the "Uber files".

Files illustrating the privileged relations maintained from 2014 to 2016 between the then Minister of the Economy and the American company.

According to journalists, the CEO of Uber and his assistants would have been discreetly received at Bercy, even though the Thévenoud law, adopted in 2014 and supposed to regulate more severely the conditions for becoming a driver, had just come into force.

These exchanges would have even led the two parties to conclude a “secret deal”, facilitating the establishment in France of the VTC company.

In an already tense political context, the opposition quickly seized on this new affair.

Starting with the left, which did not hesitate to use this precedent to feed a little more its portrait of "president of the rich".

On the side of the Insoumis, elected officials used strong terms, going so far as to qualify this story as a

“new state scandal”


Lobbyist of big capital, Macron serves the fraudsters, not the people

”, declared in particular the deputy LFI Bastien Lachaud.

His colleague Alexis Corbière also spoke of a

“very serious”

situation , and announced that he wanted to discuss with his

“friends of Nupes a commission of inquiry”


"We urgently need to clarify this"

, he specified.

Each time, he chooses the business world, these multinationals, instead of thinking about the protection of the French, the protection of work

Fabien Roussel

The communist Fabien Roussel for his part denounced

“overwhelming revelations”

, and took to task

“a President of the Republic who wants to impose in France an American model, the start-up nation.” “We saw how he trafficked in the back of the Holland government at the time (…).

Each time, he chooses the business world, these multinationals, instead of thinking about the protection of the French, the protection of work

, “he was annoyed at the microphone of BFMTV.

“We knew Emmanuel Macron's fascination with the Uber model.

We now discover that he would be the main lobbyist.

The now President of the Republic owes explanations to the French

,” added the leader of the Socialist senators, Patrick Kanner.

“Macron or the one who put the lobbies at the heart of power (…).

Our country must supervise the lobbies”

, also claimed the ecologist Julien Bayou.

"Scandal" of the summer

The same emotion shook the National Rally, which is convinced of it: it holds there its


of the summer.

Even if it means willingly magnifying its features to amplify its scope.

The delegate president of the parliamentary group of Marine Le Pen, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, thus lambasted during a press conference at the Assembly of the revelations confirming that Emmanuel Macron is the

"representative of a business oligarchy"


A president guilty, according to him, of having confused in the past

"his functions as a high official and foreign interests to serve his personal interest"


First “Alstomgate” and now “Uber files”… this is his vision of the French economy

Valérie Boyer, senator LR

If the elected nationalist refused to qualify the facts as they stand as a possible

"corruption pact"

, he nevertheless took the opportunity to draw a parallel with the sale of the energy branch of Alstom by General Electric in 2014. Case taken up by the national financial prosecutor's office in 2019, and in which Emmanuel Macron, then stationed at Bercy, is implicated.

Without claiming on behalf of his group a parliamentary commission of inquiry, the elected RN asked for a

“resale right”


Either a fact-finding mission on "Uber files", intended to be backed by the conclusions of the 2018 parliamentary commission of inquiry into State decisions in the field of industrial policy, in particular in the case of Alstom, from Alcatel and STX.

A work carried out at the time by the current president of the deputies Les Républicains, Olivier Marleix.

At this stage, however, the right-wing party has been very discreet about this affair.

Among the few personalities to have reacted, Senator Valérie Boyer was content to comment: “

First “Alstomgate” and now “Uber files”… this is her vision of the French economy.
