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Macron and Uber: Corbière (LFI) is considering a parliamentary commission of inquiry

7/11/2022, 11:13:08 AM

Following the press revelations entitled “Uber Files”, the Insoumis deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis asks the president for an explanation.

The opposition was quick to take up the subject.

This Monday morning, on Public Senate, the deputy La France Insoumise Alexis Corbière said he was considering the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the recent press revelations entitled “Uber Files”.

The elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis asks Emmanuel Macron to explain the links brought to light in several media, which report privileged relations between the company and the one who was at the time Minister of the Economy by Francois Hollande.

Read alsoRevelation of privileged links between Macron and Uber, indignation on the left

Political opposition but also trade unionists have been increasing criticism of the President of the Republic since Sunday following this vast investigation based on thousands of internal documents at Uber sent by an anonymous source to the British daily

The Guardian

and transmitted to the International Consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ) and 42 media partners.

"It's very serious", indignant Alexis Corbière

In this context, the daily

Le Monde

concludes that there is a secret "


" between Uber and Emmanuel Macron in Bercy, possibly contrary to the position then officially displayed by the executive and the government.

It is very serious, the idea that Mr. Macron has, in this secret pact with a company, deregulated the regulations in terms of taxis

”, accused Alexis Corbière.

What lessons can we learn from this?

Obviously ask the question when you can go to the government, a commission of inquiry as well

,” he added.

The LFI group in the Assembly initially intended to use its drawing rights for a commission of inquiry on inflation.

Read alsoAn extensive investigation accuses Uber of brutal or even illegal methods in its early days


The minimum is that he explains what he did and how he contributed to not only ensuring that Uber set up in France, but, thanks to a law called the


loi Macron

, to unravel part of the Labor Code to promote this type of activity, and in particular the social consequences on employees

”, lamented on France Info the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez.

It is not news that Uber is so keen on lobbying to deregulate, to make money by taking little account of what exists in terms of law in the countries and especially in terms of of the rights of the workers concerned

”, relativized on Europe 1 the boss of the CFDT Laurent Berger.

Macron “chooses the business world”, according to Fabien Roussel

Emmanuel Macron “

chooses the business world, these multinationals, instead of thinking about the protection of the French, the protection of work

”, for his part regretted on BFMTV the boss of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel.

The leader of the LREM deputies Aurore Bergé swept aside these criticisms.


It's great a country that takes offense that a Minister of the Economy receives business leaders in a totally public way in a debate that was a parliamentary debate

," she counter-attacked on CNews.

There is no deal, there is no consideration, there is a minister who has received great business leaders and that is normal.


These revelations could be invited this Monday afternoon in the National Assembly during the debates on the motion of censure tabled by the LFI group against the government.

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