The Limited Times

Parties and noise on the playground: Residents make a desperate appeal to the municipal council

7/11/2022, 5:01:07 AM

Parties and noise on the playground: Residents make a desperate appeal to the municipal council Created: 07/11/2022 06:56 By: Andreas Sachse Noise and the legacies left by young people celebrating bother a father in Unterhaching (symbolic photo) © Muck Noise from the playground on Lohestraße in Unterhaching robs a resident of his sleep. He also fears for the safety of his children. In the muni

Parties and noise on the playground: Residents make a desperate appeal to the municipal council

Created: 07/11/2022 06:56

By: Andreas Sachse

Noise and the legacies left by young people celebrating bother a father in Unterhaching (symbolic photo) © Muck

Noise from the playground on Lohestraße in Unterhaching robs a resident of his sleep.

He also fears for the safety of his children.

In the municipal council he now lamented his suffering.

The municipality is now having at least one table tennis table removed.


- According to the experience of the family man, more and more young people use the playground in the evening hours as a party corner.

It's not just the noise that bothers him.

With no good feeling he could not let his children play there anymore.

He can't forget the look in his daughter's eyes, who was standing in the front door one day with a used condom in her hand: "I'm at the end," he said desperately.


Debate in Citizens' Question Time

The debate that started during the public question hour heated up noticeably.

While Mayor Wolfgang Panzer (SPD) asked why the man only spoke up a year after the playground had been publicly designed together with local children, one or the other municipal councilor sharply criticized the family man who was alone in front of the plenum .

Julia Stifter (FWU) reminded the residents that the playground was separated from their property by a street.

"What the community has implemented in Lohestraße is incredibly great." She emphasized the importance of playgrounds in the village: "Not all families, like yours, have a garden." The family man saw himself pushed into a corner and struggled for support : "You're ruining my family," he exclaimed desperately.

CSU municipal council speaks of immature discussion culture

While Julia Stifter sees the danger that a culture of complaints will develop in the community, which would hang up on playgrounds and table tennis courts, CSU parliamentary group spokesman Korbinian Rausch accused parts of the community council of an immature culture of discussion.

Members of different factions had distinguished themselves from the father of the family by their “lack of empathy”.

After all, the man took it upon himself to describe his concerns to the municipal council.

"If we were all a little nicer to each other, we wouldn't lose a single point," Rausch summed up.

He himself is of the opinion that the table tennis table is unfavorably positioned: it is far too dangerous right next to the road.

"Every smash that the opponent doesn't reach lands immediately on the road," added Franz Felzmann (CSU).

Table tennis table is removed

The variant initially favored by the parliamentary groups, to set up the table tennis table elsewhere on the playground, did not catch on.

According to the mayor, green spaces should have been sacrificed or car parking spaces eliminated.

In his mind's eye, Panzer was already confronted with letters of protest.

If there is no other option, the table tennis table is history.

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