The Limited Times

Within Nupes, underlying tensions

7/11/2022, 6:49:35 PM

Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, recognizes it: between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and him, the sky is charged. Among the socialists too, differences are heard.

Deputy Nupes du Nord, Fabien Roussel?

“Communist MP.”

On BFMTV Monday morning, the national secretary of the PCF wanted to set the record straight, with precision.

The Nupes allowed the Insoumis to deploy in the Assembly, the ecologists to find a group, the Communists and the Socialists to save theirs.

It is a real parliamentary strike force, potentially muscular, even if the motion

of "no confidence

" shows the limits.

But from there, the atmosphere is everyone at home...

Monday morning, the four leaders of the Nupes parties, the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the socialist Olivier Faure, the ecologist Julien Bayou and Fabien Roussel met for a remote conference.

On the menu, among other topics, the possibility of a common day at the end of summer.

For their political return, all have opted for the same weekend, from August 26 to 28: LFI will be in Valence (Drôme), EELV in Grenoble (Isère), the PS in Blois (Loir-et-Cher) as now every year and...

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