The Limited Times

New York is paralyzed by the "Manhattanhenge", the most photographed sunset

7/12/2022, 6:50:33 PM

The phenomenon dyes many skyscrapers in the Big Apple red Being able to immortalize the "Manhattanhenge", the moment in which the sun sets vertically between the skyscrapers of New York, was the objective of the hundreds of people who took to the streets this Monday, willing to capture the moment of sunset, that dyes incandescent red many of the city's skyscrapers. An opportunity that allows New Yorkers and numerous tourists each year to enjoy an unusual

Being able to immortalize the "Manhattanhenge", the moment in which the sun sets vertically between the skyscrapers of New York, was the objective of the hundreds of people who took to the streets this Monday, willing to capture the moment of sunset, that dyes incandescent red many of the city's skyscrapers.

An opportunity that allows New Yorkers and numerous tourists each year to enjoy an unusual view of the streets of Manhattan.

Thanks to the east-west layout of the streets of the Big Apple, this Monday there were hundreds who came out to enjoy how the sun aligned with the streets of New York.

"Manhattanhenge" does not occur on the exact summer solstice, which this year was June 21, but instead is seen three weeks before the solstice and three weeks after.

Thus, New Yorkers and anyone who was there on May 30 or July 11 could appreciate the intensity of this phenomenon.

In the video that accompanies this news, you can see how hundreds of people fill the Big Apple to capture the moment when the sun shines between the buildings, just before setting over the Hudson River.

Due to its width, avenues 14, 23, 34, 42 and 57 are the busiest to enjoy this moment.

As can be seen in the video, many drivers also take the opportunity to lean out the window and enjoy the Manhattanhenge, fascinated by the phenomenon that paralyzes the busy traffic for a few minutes.

In addition to being a pleasant event for any local, it is an opportunity for photography enthusiasts to play with backlighting and capture the most typical elements of this city from their lens.