The Limited Times

Purchasing power: The Mayor castigates the "financial madness" of the opposition, including LR

7/12/2022, 9:01:48 AM

“I see with great concern multiplying for a few days, a few hours, only spendthrift amendments to the purchasing power text. We are now at 100 billion euros, ”said the Minister of the Economy at Medef on Tuesday.

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, denounced on Tuesday the "

financial madness

" of the proposals on the purchasing power of the opposition to the National Assembly, in particular those of the deputies Les Républicains, calling on them to "

a little consistency


Read alsoPurchasing power: the Macron camp faces opposition determined to increase the bill a little more

I see with great concern multiplying for a few days, a few hours, only spendthrift amendments on the purchasing power text.

We are now at 100 billion euros

, ”said Bruno Le Maire in a speech delivered at the Medef in front of French and Italian bosses.

One hundred billion euros of new spending.

No savings.

One hundred billion euros of expenditure for the State.

No recipe in front or derisory recipes.

It is a financial madness,

” castigated the minister.

We have to come to our senses.

I say this to all my parliamentary friends (…) and I call on all the oppositions to show responsibility, in particular those who call themselves parties of government

, ”he said again, targeting in particular the LR parliamentarians , which the government is trying to rally to have its package of measures on purchasing power adopted.


We cannot say on the one hand that we absolutely want to reduce the public debt, that we must reduce public spending, (...) and then, on the other hand, table amendments on the same day for a reduction in CSG at 70 billion euros, for fuel capped at 1.5 euros per liter for tens of billions of euros.

A little consistency

, ”denounced Bruno Le Maire, taking up the measures proposed by the LRs.

Government proposals deemed insufficient

The Finance Committee of the National Assembly, chaired by the Insoumis Éric Coquerel, began on Monday the examination of the amending finance bill and the purchasing power law, which provide for various measures to mitigate the impact of the household inflation.

The debates promise to be lively between the opposition parties, who deem the measures proposed by the government insufficient, and the relative majority of the presidential camp, which is ready to change certain aspects of the text, but without spending more than twenty billion euros. planned euros.

Read alsoPurchasing power: Bergé (LREM) open to “compromises” but “not at any price”

I hope that this debate in the National Assembly will be a debate to bring concrete, credible solutions to our compatriots, in particular those who suffer the most from inflation, and not endless games of one-upmanship which ultimately lead nowhere. , except for disappointments and therefore anger

, ”said Bruno Le Maire.