The Limited Times

Uber and Macron: the former ministers of François Hollande settle their accounts

7/12/2022, 6:37:57 PM

Former ministers, such as Christian Eckert or Michel Sapin, say they recognize Emmanuel Macron perfectly in the documents published as part of the “Uber Files” investigation.

Monday, July 11 in the morning, the former minister Christian Eckert opened his computer and carefully reproduced on his blog a page from his book

A minister should not say that,

published in 2018 by Robert Laffont.

The one who was a socialist for a long time, Secretary of State for the Budget and Public Accounts from 2014 to 2017, is a little bitter.

In his book, he wrote in a preliminary note, “

I described, among other things, my differences and my disagreements with the one who became President of our Republic and who was Minister of the Economy when I was a member of the government.

I have just read the articles suddenly discovering its proximity (and that of its employees at the time, many of whom have become MPs and are presented as coming from civil society!)

with Uber

and the world of digital platforms.

I smile and wonder why some alerts (including mine) weren't listened to more at the time.


Read also

Uber, Macron and the scandalous scandals

In 2018, his words indeed resonated with those heard in recent days…

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