The Limited Times

VIDEO. Nitrites in ham and charcuterie recognized as “carcinogenic”: “It kills the French”

7/12/2022, 6:43:49 PM

The French health authorities have confirmed in a report a link between the risk of cancer and exposure to nitro additives, used

“An association between colorectal cancer risk and exposure to nitrates and nitrites.

The health agency Anses has just joined the opinion of the WHO which in 2015 had classified processed meat, in particular charcuterie, as carcinogenic.

In the camp of anti nitrites and nitrates we are delighted.

"It's historic, it will make it possible to move towards a ban", welcomes Richard Ramos.

This Deputy (MoDem), co-depositary of a bill on the prohibition of nitrated additives, has been fighting for four years to denounce this practice which consists of incorporating nitrite salts in charcuterie.

On the charcuterie side, at Fict, the Federation of French charcuterie catering companies, it is explained that “charcuterie can be consumed safely”.

According to Fabien Castanier, General Delegate of Fict: “The challenge is reasonable consumption, as with any food.” According to him, dispensing with nitrite treatment is complex and expensive.

"This requires drastic hygiene measures."

The government has announced an “action plan” aimed at reducing or eliminating the use of nitrate additives “in all food products where this is possible without health impact”, according to a press release from the ministries of Health and Agriculture. .