The Limited Times

Make food fresh again in summer – with sugar, water and milk

7/13/2022, 3:45:00 PM

Make food fresh again in summer – with sugar, water and milk Created: 07/13/2022, 17:39 By: Jason Blaschke Strong heat robs many everyday products of their freshness. But with simple kitchen tricks you can breathe new life into rolls, vegetables and the like. 1 / 10Vegetables such as beetroot, tomatoes or radishes quickly begin to shrivel in the summer heat. A bath in ice-cold water - preferab

Make food fresh again in summer – with sugar, water and milk

Created: 07/13/2022, 17:39

By: Jason Blaschke

Strong heat robs many everyday products of their freshness.

But with simple kitchen tricks you can breathe new life into rolls, vegetables and the like.

1 / 10Vegetables such as beetroot, tomatoes or radishes quickly begin to shrivel in the summer heat.

A bath in ice-cold water - preferably overnight in the fridge - breathes new life into them.

© Cavan Images/imago

2 / 10Cheese that has been dried out by heat will soften again if you soak it in milk for about 30 minutes and then carefully dab it off.

© Philipp Brandstädter/dpa

3 / 10Welker lettuce will be fresh and crunchy again if you put it in cold sugar water (1 tablespoon sugar/litre) for around 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

4 / 10Steam makes old, dry bread soft again.

Simply place the bread in a sieve over a pot of boiling water and then eat it quickly - risk of mold.

© UJ Alexander/Imago

5 / 10And if you sprinkle water on individual dry bread slices and then toast them, they too taste fresh again.

© doomu/Panthermedia

6 / 10Summer humidity quickly softens biscuits – a few minutes in the oven or a few days in the refrigerator make them more al dente.

© Shotshop/imago

7 / 10And vice versa, if you put a few pieces of orange or apple in the cookie jar for 10 to 12 hours, cookies that have dried out from the heat will become soft again.

© Archive/Imago

8 / 10Dry, hard rolls can be eaten again if you sprinkle water on them and then bake them in the oven for five to 10 minutes at 150°C.

© Petra Schneider-Schmelzer/Imago

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9 / 10Chips dry out quickly in summer once the bag is open.

But if you bake them for about three minutes at 180 degrees, you can still eat them the next day without any problems.

© Daniel Karmann/dpa

10 / 10An old pretzel from the day before tastes good again in no time if you wrap it in a damp cloth for a few minutes and then bake it for around five minutes (150 degrees).

© Bernd Juergens/imago