The Limited Times

Clalit's Future Medicine: Home Hospital Funding - Walla! health

7/14/2022, 2:08:26 PM

Home hospitalization has been offered in Israel by law for over ten years, and with the outbreak of the Corona virus, awareness and the demand for home hospitalizations have increased significantly.

Clalit's future medicine: home hospitalization funded by the fund

Home hospitalization has been offered in Israel by law for over ten years, and with the outbreak of the corona virus significantly increased awareness and with it the demand for home hospitalization, highlighting the many benefits of this solution as a complete alternative to hospitalization, for people dealing with a variety of medical conditions

In collaboration with Sabra Medicine


Thursday, 14 July 2022, 14:57

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Clalit decided in the first corona waves to allow patients who need to be hospitalized in an inpatient ward - to receive the service they need, in the comfort of their own home, without the need to arrive at a hospital.

The service, provided through the staff of

Zabar Medicine - Home Hospital

, is offered with full funding from the HMO, in full nationwide deployment, and without the need for supplementary insurance.

"I got pneumonia," says Rachel, 59, from Kfar Saba.

"It happened right in the middle of the last wave of the corona, and when the family doctor said I needed hospitalization, I was pretty stressed. Then she told me there was hospitalization at home too - with staff coming home every day. It sounded like a perfect solution to me, especially not having to pay for it. "I really did not want to go to the hospital. And really that day I was contacted by a medical battery, a doctor and a nurse came and examined me and gave me everything you needed. The doctor came every day and so did the nurse. I was at my house, with my family, without worries and without running around." .

Drunk Maya Lerner, Acute Home Hospital Manager, Clalit (Photo: Clalit)

Drunk Maya Lerner, director of acute home hospitalization at Clalit

, explains: "Home hospitalization is offered to patients suffering from conditions such as infections and infections (lungs, urine, skin, etc.), chronic patients who need balance, patients with a hard wound to heal, and of course - corona patients. That many internal wards became, during the epidemic, corona wards, which significantly increased the load in the other wards, the solution of hospitalizing these patients at home was efficient and safe and prevented congestion on the hospital beds needed for patients in more difficult conditions. "Every day there are an average of 60 patients with Corona - at home."

Dr. Karina Glick, Director of the Internal Inpatient Department at Sabra Refuah (Photo: Sabra Refuah)

"Hospitalization in an inpatient ward at home," notes

Dr. Karina Glick, director of the inpatient inpatient ward at Zabar Medicine

, which provides the service to Clalit patients, "includes many benefits for patients.

In the home the risk of developing infections is significantly reduced, and the need for re-hospitalizations is avoided.

The patient is more relaxed at home, surrounded by his family.

Their routine of life continues as usual, and the staff comes for daily visits to the patient's home, and is available for him by phone around the clock.

The availability of the staff gives the patient and his family a sense of calm and is very important for their sense of security. "


Erez Liebel Director of the Sharon Shomron District, Clalit (Photo: Nimrod Glickman, courtesy of Clalit Sharon Shomron District)

Dr. Erez Liebel, Clalit's Sharon Shomron District Director

: "We consider the service of home hospitalization an important tier in Clalit's activities throughout the Sharon and Samaria area with the face to our patients.

In our district a home hospitalization service is provided through the district unit for further treatment and in collaboration with Sabra Medicine.

"The possibility of receiving acute care at Beit Mitzar among patients and their family members is a significant relief. This is a customized treatment in the patient's natural environment without the need for turmoil outside the home and / or exposure to possible infections in the hospital. For each and every one accordingly. "

Dr. Alex Lustman, Director of Acute Home Hospitalization, Clalit (Photo: Clalit)

"Acute home hospitalization enables high-quality medical care at home," emphasizes

Dr. Alex Lustman, Clalit's acute home hospitalization manager


"90% of patients report high satisfaction with the service.

There is a sense of VIP when the doctor and nurses come to the patient's home every day.

I have no doubt that this is the future of medicine in Israel. "

Dr. Itamar Ofer, President and Chairman of Sabar Medicine (Photo: Sabar Medicine)

"Over 80% of the patients who are referred to the hospital will prefer to stay at home," notes

Dr. Itamar Ofer, president and chairman of Sabar Medicine


"And if you consider that most of the patients are elderly people, for whom a stay in an inpatient institution can be a real risk - infection with other infections, cognitive deterioration, distance from the family - then the solution of internal hospitalization addresses all their medical needs, without the risks of hospitalization. "In our estimation, about a quarter of the patients currently hospitalized in inpatient wards can receive equivalent care in the comfort of their own home."

"The fact that the doctor or nurses enter the patient's home and learn about his or her and his family's routine life, the family dynamics, adds significantly to the quality of the care provided to him," says Dr. Karina Glick. The importance and need for home hospitalization. "The possibility of skipping the hospitalization phase or even arriving at a hospital is very significant to the patient's well-being.

A hospital is a place where the patient is part of many patients, and in fact his personal identity is pushed aside, as is his sense of control over what is going on around him.

At home, the patient is the master of himself and is the one who makes the decisions about his body and his conduct.

The hospitalization at home is not accompanied by a feeling of helplessness and loss of control, since it exists in an institutional hospitalization.

The patient chooses to be at home, and receive the treatment.

The staff arrives at his house, actually staying with him.

His feeling at home is completely different, and his and his family's calmness directly affects his speed and quality of recovery. "

Avraham, 58, who contracted corona late in the fifth wave, is dealing with a number of background illnesses, and hospitalization while corona (and in general) puts him at high risk of developing other infections.

"We were all at home infected with corona. My wife and son had mild symptoms, but I really did not feel well, and because I had a background illness, I was really at risk and was recommended to be hospitalized. And said that there is hospitalization for Corona patients, and really after about two hours a battery, a doctor and a nurse came to me, and then every day they came, everyone really sat with me, talked to me, I really saw that they were interested in how I was, also checked the background medication to see that everything Okay, I had five days every day until I felt really good, service at the highest level.

I really felt pampered, and did not have to move out of the house.

When I got a fever one night my wife called the nurse and Yashar got an answer on what to do.

It's something everyone should know they can get,

"It is important to say that the purpose of hospitalization is to treat the right patients. Hospitals will always be there for life-saving treatments, complex surgeries, imaging tests and more," says Dr. Ofer, "but patients can receive the treatment at home and at a cost to the health system. "We need to get this service, in order to maintain their health and of course in order to make vital beds in the hospitals for those who need them."

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