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E-heating, gas ovens and the like – how sensible gas alternatives really are

7/14/2022, 3:26:27 PM

E-heating, gas ovens and the like – how sensible gas alternatives really are Created: 2022-07-14Updated: 2022-07-14, 5:20 p.m By: Jason Blaschke Fan heaters and the like instead of central heating? Gas alternatives are very popular - but experts warn of dangerous additional costs. Stuttgart – Consumers have to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets for energy or the simplest everyday groceri

E-heating, gas ovens and the like – how sensible gas alternatives really are

Created: 2022-07-14Updated: 2022-07-14, 5:20 p.m

By: Jason Blaschke

Fan heaters and the like instead of central heating?

Gas alternatives are very popular - but experts warn of dangerous additional costs.

Stuttgart – Consumers have to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets for energy or the simplest everyday groceries.

Just a few weeks ago, it became known that some supermarkets had increased their prices massively - individual products had become up to 60 percent more expensive, according to reports from several media (more consumer news on



According to experts, an end to the expensive phase is not in sight, on the contrary.

Consumers are looking for gas alternatives - Run on heaters at home improvement stores

According to a new study by Allianz Trade, only part of the expensive costs have reached consumers.

"The worst is yet to come for households," says industry expert Aurélien Duthoit, who was involved in the study.

This is bad news for many consumers who are already groaning under high energy prices.

Many articles on clever energy-saving tricks when heating have been circulating on the Internet for weeks.

What almost all of these tips have in common is that they involve doing without.

But especially when autumn comes, many people don't want to do without a cozy, warm apartment.

Many consumers see an alternative to central heating in the use of electric heaters such as fan heaters, electric heaters or radiant heaters, some of which can be bought quite cheaply in stores.

DIY stores are reporting a veritable run on electric heaters.

Warning of fan heaters and Co. - "up to 100 euros operating costs per month"

According to SWR


the Hornbach hardware store chain asked individual customers for their reasons.

"The feedback came from some: In a way, this is a kind of precaution for emergencies," reports Hornbach press spokesman Florian Preuss.

But such heaters are not a cheaper alternative, experts warn.

"Consumers pay around 90 to 100 euros per month," says energy consultant Inse Ewen from the Bremen consumer center in an interview with



And the 90 to 100 euros operating costs are calculated with the current electricity prices, adds the expert.

According to forecasts, electricity prices are also set to rise drastically: a service article by

24RHEIN uses

the example of the city of Cologne to illustrate what the explosion in electricity prices means for consumers.

Gas alternatives that require electricity are therefore not a long-term alternative.

Experts recommend investing in efficient heating systems instead in the long run.

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Mobile heaters under criticism: Expert recommends a gas device of all things

The problem is that the demand for heat pumps, tiled stoves and the like is currently so great that craftsmen cannot meet them.

In addition, so many heat pumps and stoves are not available overnight.

The broadcaster


reports of "several months of waiting", which could take far too long for many consumers in view of the coming heating season.

So what to do?


environmental expert Werner Eckert

advises against at least electric heaters .

Because they not only consume a lot of electricity, but ultimately generate “twice as much greenhouse gas CO₂ as using gas.” Then it’s better to heed the classic energy-saving tips and lower the room temperature by one degree, recommends the expert.

If you still want to buy an auxiliary heater, you should use an electricity-free alternative, such as a gas oven.

Apart from a gas cartridge, mobile gas stoves only need one place in the apartment.

Electricity is not necessary.

© Jason Blaschke/BW24

Mobile gas ovens better than electric heaters - what needs to be considered

Such mobile gas ovens are powered by gas cartridges that consumers can purchase from retail outlets.

When asked by SWR

, the Hornbach hardware store chain

stated that it would obtain the gas required for this entirely from Western Europe.

A delivery stop from Russia would therefore not be a problem.

However, there could also be bottlenecks here if many people suddenly start heating with it from autumn.

According to Hornbach, there are already many deposit cartridges in circulation.

The fear of a cold apartment is justified, but should not degenerate.

On the one hand, the gas emergency plan for Germany provides that private households with social facilities are given priority with deliveries in an emergency.

On the other hand, tenants have special rights.

In an interview with BW24

, tenancy law expert Angelika Brautmeier from the Stuttgart Tenants' Association recently explained what the landlord must not turn off


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