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Ein Tina: Like walking in a water painting - Walla! Tourism

7/14/2022, 6:38:56 PM

The beauty of a hiking trail is determined by the amount of "wow" readings it causes you to emit. So how many calls did the trip to Ein Tina receive? Quite a few. Details at Walla! Tourism

The Guide for the Lazy Traveler

Ein Tina: Like walking in a water painting

The beauty of a hiking trail is determined by the amount of "wow" readings it causes you to emit.

So how many calls did the trip to Ein Tina receive?

Quite a few.

Suggestion for a wet trip, just like in Claude Monet's painting, between the Hula Valley and the Golan Heights

Eyal Shapira


Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 08:21

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Then, the cows decided to stop in the middle of our road.

Dozens of cows stand in the water, where the track is supposed to go.

They stopped and looked at us in the eyes of ... well, in the eyes of a calf.

How do you make a herd of cows move out of the way?

Do you ask gently, in a soft and pleading voice?

Rebuke them loudly and confidently?

Emit "Kishta"?

And is "Kishta" at all recognized by walking on four non-dogs?


The solution:

We just went through them, as if they did not exist.

Some ran away in panic, some snorted in contempt and some just pooped.

Here is another reason to go on a trip: not only because of the scenery, but because of the experiences.

So true, in this case it is not a formative life experience, but definitely one that will make you return to work on Sunday with a small smile.

The water here is allowed and desirable to enter.

Ein Tina (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

A rare strain on the road

This trip should be hurried and reached due to the influence of the water, which will decrease towards the peak of the summer.

The road that will take you to the beginning of the route, between Gadot and Gonen, is mesmerizing in its beauty.

The narrow road winds alongside rows of eucalyptus trees, which are occasionally suitable for creating observation windows towards the slopes of the Golan.

These days - when the yellow-summer only hints at its future existence and merges with the winter-dominant green that still does not let go - everything looks great.

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after parking the vehicle in the spacious parking lot, marching east and immediately south on a wide road marked with green trails.

Already at the beginning of the road you cross an element that looks like something between a large puddle or a reed of dwarves.

Here, already something that will whet your appetite for walking in the water.

From here the road continues along the wide path further south, with the steep slopes of the Golan to your left.

And just as soon as the thought arises that you may have made a mistake along the way and all the expected water wealth is elsewhere - you reach a small lake.

When we arrived, towards Saturday night, the place was littered with a lot of debris.

A minute later, a large jeep arrived with three guys who began to clear the souvenirs left behind by the beautiful Israeli.

The water here is allowed and desirable to enter, immerse, squirt and simply indulge in, as well as the banks of the stream, rich in bank vegetation.

From here, walk east with the green path, and preferably in the water, the height of which will not cross your waistline.

Then they appeared, leaving us speechless - a dense green cluster of huge flowers, up to a meter and a half taller, and boasting petals in the most majestic yellow color you have encountered in a long time.

These are branch iris flowers, whose almost tragic story is the story of many extinct species.

As a well-known swamp enthusiast, the industry has previously thrived across the country, but the depletion of moist habitats has made it rare, and today it is endangered and even protected by law.

Its noble bloom lasts until mid-May.

So come on - it's definitely worth it.

Have you arrived and it is no longer in bloom?

Here, already a good reason to come again next year.

It is worth noting that in this area, the walking path in the water is designed in such a way that it prevents the trampling of natural values ​​such as the roots of the irises and damage to the arthropods that live in the water.

Some even include a domain railing - especially for this purpose.

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Endangered and blooms in April-May.

Industry iris (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

A dense green cluster of huge flowers a meter and a half high and more.

The branch iris reserve in Ein Tina (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

Thoughts on water

And speaking of the subject, it is interesting to discover that the small Ein Tina Reserve comprises a total of about 230 dunams, but these are well concentrated.

This is a moist habitat, of which only a few remain in Israel.

Until about a hundred years ago, many such areas flourished in Israel, characterized by swamps, lakes and bustling life.

The reserve is frequented by many animals, including deer, wolves, jackals, foxes, wild boars, porcupines and more, as well as many bird species.

As befits a damp-sized house, there is a rich variety of plants here: from common canes, through Goma Yarkon to the branch iris.

As you walk along the water, if you look down, there is a chance of finding frightened crabs in the water or fasting, just waiting for you to continue on your way, to do what they used to do.

is nothing.

Keep going, and every time you look back, to the west, you will be amazed at how much this reserve looks like a postcard from days gone by, everything is so pastoral, harmonious.

Like walking in a water painting (literally).

The walk is done on pointed and slightly malicious basalt stones, and it is recommended to be equipped with good sandals, so as not to crack the foot bones.

The path becomes narrow and leads you up a steep ascent through reed tunnels that will make you imagine you are walking in the heart of a rainforest.

The noise of the water from the nearby waterfall will also contribute to the atmosphere.

Like minutes of climbing, and you have reached the top, to a pair of pipes from which the water that feeds all this botanical and zoological richness bursts.

The spring emits more than 600 cubic meters of water per hour - this is a very respectable amount, but most of it is pumped for the benefit of irrigating the agricultural fields of the Hula Valley.

What is in front of you is a total of about ten percent (!) Of the original impact.

All of this of course makes you think about the whole issue of the right to water for nature - is that enough?

Is that more than enough?

What did everything here look like a hundred years ago?

One way or another, even this little one satisfies the needs of life in the reserve, which become bustling especially during the hours when you will no longer be here - evening and night.

In keeping with the name of the spring (Tina in Arabic), fig trees are usually grown here.

On one of them - sturdy, tall and multi-branched and split - a boy and a girl swayed and experimented with selfies, while desperately maintaining balance.

A climbing tree, pure water that can be stood under and one picturesque waterfall that forms the beating heart of the reserve.

You will not want to leave.

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The water in the Ein Tina waterfall comes out of pipes and falls on the basalt rocks (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

A lazy dessert for a trip.

The wet path to Ein Dvasha (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

A fruity dessert with a honey eye

In the end you left Ein Tina.


After all, as the battered cliché claims - good things can not last forever.

But if you still need some more water, return to the vehicle on the same road and drive only a few hundred meters on Route 918. Camp, carefully cross the road, pass a narrow cattle gate and climb up the hill - and in flowing shallow water - next to a large water pipe.

The end road here will lead you to Ein Dvasha, another lovable spring that can be used as a lazy dessert for a trip to Ein Tina.

And maybe you too will encounter the stubborn cows that will stare at you.

If it did happen, do not forget the trick: pass between them as if nothing had happened, and do not forget to document this hallucinatory moment.

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Less impressive is a kind of giving, but for those who need more thrills.

Ein Dvasha (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Eyal Shapira)

Peace Intelligence

Length of the route in Ein Tina:

about 2.3 km (round trip). Length of the route in Ein Dvasha: about 700 meters (round trip). Arrival: Travel north on Road 918, in the direction of Gonen Junction. About 6 km north of the traffic jam bridge Camp according to the "Ein Tina" sign.

To reach Ein Badasha

, continue about half a kilometer on Road 918 in a northerly direction, and park in a small parking bay. Have a swimsuit and sandals for walking in the water.

Do not give up:

The landscape, next to the ripples of the water. Did you arrive as a couple? Expect a particularly romantic moment.

Impress the guys: The

iris of the branch, the rare plant that thrives in the area, contains particularly toxic substances. Coffee This plant was also the source of the European symbol called "Fleur de lis" - a symmetrical flower with three petals.

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  • Springs in the country

  • Springs in the north


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  • Springs

  • Ein Tina