The Limited Times

Ideal duration, mistakes to avoid... Advice from a psychiatrist for a truly relaxing holiday

7/14/2022, 4:44:59 PM

In order not to let ourselves be tyrannized by our fears during the holidays, the practitioner (1) invites us to purge our discomfort. Interview.

Miss Figaro.


What is a truly relaxing holiday?

Antoine Lesur.


The best way to miss your vacation is to want to make it a success at all costs.

We often forget the meaning of the word vacation, which comes from the Latin


to be empty and to be free.

Everyone has again experienced a difficult, exhausting year, full of uncertainties.

It is an explosive cocktail because fatigue promotes apprehension and worry.

It's an infernal spiral in which the feeling of losing control promotes a strong malaise, even anxiety, and in return the need for control or omnipotence.

Breaking up holidays is fundamental.

She breaks these infernal circles.

It makes it possible to create new habits, to leave room for improvisation and discovery.

In video, what is Zoom fatigue?

What is the ideal duration?

A minimum of three weeks are needed to relax and clear your mind.

Ideally, you should leave already a little relaxed!

We can make a decompression airlock…

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