The Limited Times

Karl Lauterbach demands that Gerhard Schröder be expelled from the party

7/14/2022, 9:08:32 PM

SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach thinks Gerhard Schröder should leave the party - preferably before the exclusion process is over. The attitude of the former chancellor is unforgivable.

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Health Minister Karl Lauterbach

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to be thrown out of the party.

"Putin's actions are so absolutely criminal that an attitude like that of Gerhard Schröder is unforgivable, and that means he actually has no place in the SPD," said Lauterbach in SPIEGEL's top-level talks with moderator Markus Feldenkirchen.

Schröder's behavior is damaging to the party.

Every social democrat must find clear words about Putin's criminal bombardment of Ukraine.

"Especially someone like Gerhard Schröder, who was responsible and who also knows Putin himself."

like Lauterbach.

The behavior of the former chancellor was disappointing.

The SPD sub-district Region Hannover has been negotiating since Thursday about Schröder's party expulsion.

"I'd be happy if he got ahead of the committee," Lauterbach said.