The Limited Times

Mozambique: Five people killed by elephant

7/14/2022, 3:45:59 PM

They were working in a field when the animal ran towards them: five people died as a result of an elephant attack in Southeast African Mozambique – two children were also among the victims.

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An African elephant heading to a waterhole

Photo: IMAGO

An elephant has killed five people in Mozambique, southeast Africa.

Two children were among the victims.

The youngest was one and a half years old, the other child twelve, said police spokesman Mário Adolfo of the dpa news agency.

The group was attacked by the pachyderm while working in the fields in the province of Cabo Delgado.

The northern district of Macomia borders the Quirimbas National Park, home to hundreds of elephants.

The police have launched a search for the animal.

In addition to the dpa news agency, other media reported that an elephant had attacked.

According to the broadcaster »africanews«, there were several elephants.

In many African countries, fatal clashes between humans and wild animals occur again and again due to shrinking natural areas and competition for limited natural resources.
