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No matter who is to blame: The construction industry continues to tweet about safety laws - Walla! Real Estate

7/14/2022, 6:09:01 PM

A new study by the Musal reveals: While work accidents at height at construction sites increase year by year, about 61% of workers still do not use protective equipment. Since the beginning of 2022, about 12 workers have been killed

No matter who is to blame: The construction industry continues to tweet about safety laws

A new study by the Musal reveals: While work accidents at height at construction sites increase year by year, about 61% of workers still do not use protective equipment. The injuries are serious to fatal, but workers and managers are on their own

David Rosenthal


Thursday, 14 July 2022, 14:56

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The Occupational Safety (Personal Protective Equipment) Regulations 1997 provide that "personal protective equipment" is equipment intended for a person's personal use to protect him from a risk that may harm his safety or health. Every year, workers at height are killed in Israel. In the summary of 2021, it appears that the cause of "fall from a height" was 41% of all fatal work accidents, in the construction industry fatal accidents originating from a fall from a height account for 45% of all fatal work accidents

. This, which is repeated every year, has led Mosel experts to examine in depth this issue of using personal protective equipment to protect the employee from falling from a height and / or falling objects from a height on the employee's head.

Despite these figures, it seems that the site managers and managers are not excited.

Personal protective equipment?

Not everyone is careful (Photo: ShutterStock)

In a new study conducted by the research department and Mosel instructors among workers at construction sites, about 61% of workers did not use the chin strap on a helmet. About 15% of those who received equipment as required reported not using the chin strap at all. Reported that they were not provided with the required equipment from the foreman at all.35% do not know when to use them while working.

Workers at construction sites concentrate on comfort rather than safety

In a survey conducted by Mosel instructors in the field, the following findings were found for which workers preferred not to put protective equipment: Other workers who do not use chin (45.8%) I do not know when to (45.5%) and discomfort (40.7%) workers who reported not using At Centria Clal cited the discomfort as a reason for most of them (70.6%) did not tell me it was necessary (52.9%) and I do not believe it can help (50%). Convenience in working with the closed chin and lack of understanding and awareness of its importance.The factors that encouraged the use of the chin are maintaining their health and the presence of managers who ensure safety on site.

Among the employees who use the chin, there were arguments of the need to maintain the rules and their personal safety and the strictness of the managers at the site.

Factors that supported the avoidance of using the chin were the carelessness of their co-workers, the discomfort of working with the closed chin and the lack of understanding and awareness of its importance.

During 2021, the Institute for Safety and Hygiene continued to increase its activity in mentoring managers to promote safety through workplace diagnoses, and performed 21,961 diagnostic activities in the workplace, with the construction sites being the first to carry out about 10,668 diagnostic activities and safety training.

In the field of safety training at construction sites, the Musal places special emphasis on training activities in residential and industrial and public buildings, as well as in the areas of urban renewal and renovation of existing buildings. A thousand mentors in about 1,563 different jobs.

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The scene of the accident in which a worker was killed after falling from a height on the streets of Hanasi / Levutzkin in Hadera.

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Musal CEO Dr. Mickey Winkler responded to the findings, saying: “The findings of the study are very worrying, the lack of care on the part of managers as well as the lack of awareness of employees and their non-compliance with the use of personal protective equipment can cost us our lives.

The findings raise the need to refresh training on the importance and duty of using the chin strap and personal protective equipment, increasing the knowledge of managers and employees to contribute to the life-saving chin strap, preventing the protective helmet from detaching from the head during a fall and minimizing injury and damage to the employee's head.

"We work with all the Mosel guides in the field to implement these safety guidelines and we also invite the webmasters to adhere to the safety guidelines on the site and present a tough and firm position in front of the employees, preferably one hour earlier."

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