The Limited Times

Taxis resume service, the strike of 20 and 21/7 confirmed

7/14/2022, 9:15:10 PM

Trade unions: "In light of Draghi's resignation, parliamentary activity is suspended, stop at the garrison at Palazzo Chigi" (ANSA)

The taxi service that had spontaneously stopped in the last two days following protests against the competition bill will resume at midnight.

"In light of the resignation presented by Prime Minister Mario Draghi to President Mattarella and subsequently rejected by him, parliamentary activity, both in the classroom and in the Commission, is suspended. July 20 and 21, we will remain vigilant on developments in parliamentary activity, with particular reference to the Competition Bill. Therefore we suspend the presidium at Palazzo Chigi ".

This is declared by Ugl Taxi, Usb Taxi, Federtaxi Cisal, Unica Cgil, Uti, Fit Cisl, Tam, Claai, Satam, Taxi, Fast Confsal Taxi, Uritaxi, Unimpresa, Ati Taxi, Legal Protection Associations Taxi, Silvio.

"We thank the taxi drivers - continues the press release from the trade unions - who supported us in this effort, and who, as a sign of solidarity with their colleagues still involved in the same, spontaneously suspended the service, we now believe it is necessary to restart the 'working activity".

"We also want to thank the police headquarters, the women and men of the police forces - conclude the taxi drivers - for having managed difficult days in a commendable way, understanding the protest of our category".