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3 silver, 3 bronze, and 5 certificates of appreciation for Syria in an informatics training camp in Russia

7/17/2022, 4:39:44 PM

Damascus, SANA- A variety of awards won by the Syrian Scientific Olympiad in Informatics team for adolescents in the camp


A variety of prizes won by the Syrian Scientific Olympiad in Informatics team for adolescents in the training camp organized (remotely) by the International School of Informatics for Young People in Russia during the period between 1 and 10 of this month, with the participation of 315 male and female students between the ages of 13 and 16 years, representing 36 teams from 16 countries.

The Excellence and Creativity Authority stated in a statement that SANA received a copy of it that the Syrian Olympic team succeeded in winning two silver medals and three bronze medals in the programming marathon competition, and a silver medal for the whole team in the programming relay competition, while all members of the team achieved 5 certificates of appreciation in the competitive programming competition and the Syrian team achieved second place in Android programming.

The authority indicated that the Olympiad team, which was supervised by coach Aqil Raei, included students Farhan Hajj Younes from the first secondary grade from Al-Basel School for the First Outstanding in Homs, and Muhammad Derbas from the first secondary grade from Al-Basel School for Outstanding Students in Aleppo and Zain Al-Abidin Zammar from the first secondary school from Sina School. The one for Aleppo and Amr is a ninth grader from Al-Rawafed Private School in Homs, and Hadi Suleiman is from the ninth grade from Dahiyat Al-Firdous School in Rural Damascus.

The camp was distinguished by the multiplicity of forms of training and programming competitions within the tracks (mathematics, competitive programming, relay, marathon, general programming, and robot programming), which enhanced competition at the individual level and between teams.

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