The Limited Times

Drunks stoke a campfire in a conservation area and burn a meadow

7/17/2022, 7:09:46 PM

Drunks stoke a campfire in a conservation area and burn a meadow Created: 07/17/2022, 21:00 Seven people lit a campfire in a landscape protection area in Allershausen - and burned down a meadow as a result. © picture alliance / dpa In Allershausen, unauthorized persons lit a campfire on a dust-dry meadow in the landscape protection area - and burned down a meadow. Allershausen - In a landscape

Drunks stoke a campfire in a conservation area and burn a meadow

Created: 07/17/2022, 21:00

Seven people lit a campfire in a landscape protection area in Allershausen - and burned down a meadow as a result.

© picture alliance / dpa

In Allershausen, unauthorized persons lit a campfire on a dust-dry meadow in the landscape protection area - and burned down a meadow.


- In a landscape protection area in Allershausen, seven people stoked a campfire - and burned down a meadow.

As reported by the police, on Saturday around 1.30 a.m. the message about an open fire was received right next to the Allershausen fish pond.

On site, a patrol crew from the Freising police found seven drunk people next to a campfire that was burning in an area of ​​almost three square meters on an open meadow without any protective border.

The parcel of land belongs to the fish pond of the Allershausen fishing club.

None of the people encountered could present a permit from the locally responsible lower nature conservation authority.

"The affected group opened the campfire on a dust-dry section of meadow and consequently burned it down due to the fireplace," says the police report.

Fire accelerators such as alcohol were not used.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

All seven people were under the influence of alcohol.

They said they were unaware that it's illegal to light an open campfire.

But ignorance does not protect against punishment: After photographs were taken, alcohol tests carried out and the fire extinguished, everyone involved was sent off.

Administrative offense proceedings were initiated against those affected.


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