The Limited Times

In the Sahel, the post-Barkhane period has begun

7/17/2022, 5:57:57 PM

STORY - The last French soldier will have left Mali this summer, the new military system being articulated around Niger.

Even before the French soldiers complete their disengagement from Mali, the post-Barkhane period begins.

The last base located in Gao must be liberated at the end of the summer, putting an end to almost ten years of intervention against jihadist terrorism in Mali.

But the war will have to continue.

During his speech to the armed forces on July 13, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, therefore called for proposals this fall to rethink French strategy.

It is a strategic necessity because we must have less posed and less exposed devices, and succeed in building over time a stronger intimacy with the African armies

”, he asked.

The following evening, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, and the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, flew to Niamey.

Niger will be the new "


" in the fight against terrorism, to use the words of the Head of State.

Sébastien Lecornu was then to go to Côte d'Ivoire, where the…

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