The Limited Times

36 degrees and it's getting even hotter: This is how food stays fresh longer in summer

7/18/2022, 2:46:07 PM

When it's hot: This keeps groceries fresher for longer, even in midsummer Created: 07/18/2022, 16:40 By: Lucas Maier So far, the summer of 2022 has been characterized by partly very high temperatures. There are a few things to keep in mind so that food can be kept for longer even in the heat. Kassel - Drought, heat and fires: The weather in summer 2022 has it all. Food in particular goes bad f

When it's hot: This keeps groceries fresher for longer, even in midsummer

Created: 07/18/2022, 16:40

By: Lucas Maier

So far, the summer of 2022 has been characterized by partly very high temperatures.

There are a few things to keep in mind so that food can be kept for longer even in the heat.

Kassel - Drought, heat and fires: The weather in summer 2022 has it all.

Food in particular goes bad faster at high temperatures.

With a few little tips and tricks, however, vegetables and co. can easily stay fresh longer.

The easiest way to enjoy food fresh in summer is to eat it shortly after buying it.

So in summer it is better to shop less and more often.

Food tips: Summer, sun, vitamins - In the warm months there are lots of berries and fruit

With the high temperatures in summer, fruit and berries go bad faster.

The consumer

center gives tips on how

to keep the vitamin-rich snacks fresh for as long as possible .

According to them, berries are best stored on a kitchen towel in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Summer in Germany: what belongs in the fridge and what absolutely not?

© George Mdivanian/IMAGO

Cherries, peaches, apricots and plums should also be stored in the refrigerator.

Here it is important to store the fruit openly to ensure ventilation.

Under no circumstances should cherries be washed before storage, otherwise they will mold more quickly.

Kiwis and figs can also be put in the fridge in summer, while bananas are better left in the fruit bowl, as the



Food in summer: This is how vegetables should be stored in the heat

It's not just bananas that should stay outside in the summer, various vegetables don't belong in the fridge either.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and beans are better kept in the dark storage cellar.

The following types of fruit and vegetables feel good in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator in summer:

  • Lettuce:

    It is best to store in slightly damp cloths.

  • Carrots:

    Should generally be stored cold.

  • Peppers:

    Be careful, it must not be too cold for the colorful peppers, so they should only be placed in the vegetable compartment.

  • Apple:

    A cold apple can be very refreshing and will last longer.

    However, this should be kept separate from vegetables and other types of fruit.

  • Pear:

    The fruit should be kept separate from other vegetables and fruit.

  • Pineapple:

    The fruit, which is sensitive to cold, should not be stored below 7 degrees, but once it has been cut open it must be placed in the refrigerator.

  • Source:

    Consumer Advice Center NRW

Animal products should definitely be in the fridge.

Cheese, milk, yoghurt, meat and co. should be kept as cool as possible when buying and transporting them.


Federal Ministry of Food

recommends putting the groceries in the trolley last while shopping.

On the way home, they should be transported in a cool bag and then placed on the glass shelf in the refrigerator, because that's where it's coolest, advises the


advice center .

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Food storage in summer: Animal products belong in the refrigerator

Extensive brunch or breakfast is popular with many, especially on warm summer days.

But be careful, animal foods in particular should only be taken from the fridge to the table in small portions to prevent spoilage.

The same applies to summer barbecues for salads whose dressing contains mayonnaise or similar, the


advice center points out.

Bread also spoils faster at high temperatures in summer.

Unlike meat, vegetables and co., however, it definitely does not belong in the fridge, because it would go bad faster there.

To prevent mold, bread should be stored uncut in a bread bin, as recommended by the

Federal Ministry of Food


Also, it can be temporarily frozen airtight.

Since the mold spores spread throughout the bread, a moldy bread should always be thrown out completely.

(Lucas Maier)

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