The Limited Times

At the start shooting of You eat the heart of Mezzapesa with Elodie

7/18/2022, 1:45:59 PM

Puglia, forgotten by God, the highlands of the Gargano are fought over by criminals who seem to come from a distant time. A far west land, where blood washes with blood. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 18 - Puglia, forgotten by God, the highlands of the Gargano are fought over by criminals who seem to come from a distant time.

A land from the far west, where blood washes with blood.

To rekindle the hatred between two rival families, a forbidden love: that between Andrea, heir of the Malatesta family, and Marilena, the beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale family.

An impossible passion to eradicate that overwhelms reason and rekindles the war between the clans.

Taken from the homonymous book-investigation by Carlo Bonini and Giuliano Foschini published by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Ti mangio il cuore, directed by Pippo Mezzapesa, is a gangster movie and a great, tragic story of love.

"I eat your heart contains high temperature matter.

   Love, death, crime, rituals and impossible redemption in a dark and mysterious south.

All magnetic elements that I decided to tell in black and white, because I immediately felt that these were the colors of a contemporary story, yet so deeply ancestral in the feelings, in the acts, in the sentences ", explains Mezzapesa.

    Shot in black and white, the film is produced by Indigo Film with Rai Cinema, with the logistical support of Apulia FilmCommission.

Filming takes place entirely in Puglia for a duration of eight weeks.

Alongside the protagonists Elodie, at her film debut of her, and Francesco Patané, in the cast also Lidia Vitale, Francesco Di Leva, Tommaso Ragno, GiovanniTrombetta, Letizia Cartolaro, Michele Placido and Brenno Placido.

The screenplay is written by Antonella Gaeta, PippoMezzapesa and Davide Serino, the photography is by Michele D'Attanasio, the scenography by Daniele Frabetti, the costumes by Ursula Patzak and the editing by Giogiò Franchini.