The Limited Times

Emilia Clarke talks about her aneurysm ruptures, and the fear of dying every day

7/18/2022, 3:58:46 PM

American actress Emilia Clarke confided on July 17 to the BBC, on her two aneurysms which occurred in 2011 and 2013.

"I'm one of the very, very, very small minority of people who can survive this," Emilia Clarke said in a July 17 BBC interview on Sunday Morning


"That" ?

The two cerebral aneurysms (which appear when the wall of an intracranial artery expands abnormally, creating a pocket of blood) of which the 35-year-old actress has suffered.

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In video, the highlights of Emilia Clarke's talk Women in motion

The fear of dying everyday

The first takes place in 2011, after the filming of the first season of the

Game of Thrones

series .

The interpreter of Daenerys Targaryen was then 25 years old.

"It was the most excruciating pain," she told the BBC.

After her operation, Emilia Clarke suffers from aphasia, a communication disorder that can manifest itself in oral or written expression and/or comprehension.

The actress remembers being afraid of dying every day, she confides during her interview.

The second aneurysm occurred in 2013, giving rise to a new operation which ended in failure.

It will take another, heavier intervention to make it work.

Read also"Game of Thrones": Emilia Clarke shares photos of her after her heavy operation in 2011

ancient revelations

"It's remarkable that I can speak articulately," she explains.

The actress says she is lucky today "to live (s)a life completely normally without any repercussions".

Only the scans and her scar behind her ear remind her of what she went through.

“As soon as a part of your brain does not receive blood for a second, it disappears.

The blood finds another way to move, but the other part remains missing,” explains the actress.

This is how she jokingly indicates that she has “a lot of things missing!

Which always makes me laugh.”

Emilia Clarke has always communicated about her aneurysms.

She revealed them in 2019 in a column published on the 

New Yorker website


Its goal has since been to raise awareness and help victims.

The actress has also created in 2020 a charity, SameYou, to raise funds.

His timeliness proves his victory over his battles.

Soon, we will be able to see Emilia Clarke on stage in London, in the play

The Seagull

, and soon in the cinema in

The Pod Generation

, by Sophie Barthes.