The Limited Times

VIDEO. Fires in Gironde: images of the flames of the Teste-de-Buch fire on the beaches

7/18/2022, 3:22:19 PM

The fire which seems out of control reached the beaches of the region after jumping the departmental 218

Since the start of the fire, 4,200 hectares have gone up in smoke at La Teste-de Buch, near the Arcachon basin, over a perimeter of 9 km by 8 km.

In this sector, the situation quickly deteriorated when the fire crossed the departmental road 218 along the coast on Sunday evening.

On social networks, Internet users have published photos and videos, taken from the sea, of this huge blaze several tens of meters high, devouring the beaches of the Lagoon and La Salie, just a few km south of the dune. from Pilat.

Since Monday morning, "pleasure boating is also prohibited on the western part of Lake Cazaux-Sanguinet", specifies the prefecture.

Read alsoFires in Gironde: the Arcachon Basin zoo will evacuate all its animals

On the second fire in Landiras, inland, the flames burned 9,800 hectares, i.e. a perimeter of 14 km by 9 km, add the firefighters.

On both fronts, 1,700 firefighters are mobilized, supported by water bombers (4 Canadair and 2 Dash).

Since the start of operations, 12 firefighters have been slightly injured.