The Limited Times

Cathedral city has grown slightly again - almost 50 percent of Freising residents do not belong to any religion

7/19/2022, 7:05:11 PM

Cathedral city has grown slightly again - almost 50 percent of Freising residents do not belong to any religion Created: 07/19/2022, 21:00 Freising has grown by almost ten percent in the past ten years. Archive © Herbert Bungartz Freising has grown by almost ten percent in the past ten years. The most recent population statistics in terms of religious affiliation are striking. Freising – The c

Cathedral city has grown slightly again - almost 50 percent of Freising residents do not belong to any religion

Created: 07/19/2022, 21:00

Freising has grown by almost ten percent in the past ten years.

Archive © Herbert Bungartz

Freising has grown by almost ten percent in the past ten years.

The most recent population statistics in terms of religious affiliation are striking.


– The cathedral city has grown slightly.

This emerges from the latest statistics from the city of Freising.

As of July 1, 2022, 51,089 people lived in the city of Freising.

Compared to the previous year's figures, there was an increase of 349 people.

Today even 9.7 percent (4501) more live in the cathedral city than ten years ago.

49,704 people have their main residence here, 1,385 are registered with a secondary residence (16.4 percent more than in 2012).

19,490 men and 19,814 women and one diverse person have German citizenship.

11,784 people with other nationalities live in the cathedral city: 6,157 men and 5,627 women.

Overall, this is 72.4 percent more than ten years ago.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

Most of them are from Turkey (1864), Croatia (1134) and Romania (1066), followed by 841 Italians and 687 Hungarians.

563 people from Ukraine are registered in the cathedral city.


With 13,316 inhabitants, Lerchenfeld is the largest of the 35 Freising districts and districts.

12,231 people live in the city center and 9,365 in the north of the city.

Neustift has 6884 citizens, Vötting 2854 and Pulling 1566. This is followed by Attaching with 1067 inhabitants, Sünzhausen with 868 and Tuching with 765. Less than ten people live in the two smallest districts: seven in Wies and five in Feldhof.

age structure

Most Freising citizens – namely 35,099 – are between 19 and 65 years old.

7312 are older than 66 years.

Those born between 1991 and 2000 are the most represented with 9188 people, followed by 7648 people who were born between 1961 and 1970 and 7575 women and men who were born between 1981 and 1990.

This year and last year, a total of 751 girls and boys were born in the city of Freising.

The two oldest cathedral townsfolk will be 102 years old this year.

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Marital status

Freising is also a city of singles: almost half, 24,971 people, are single.

19,799 are married, 2,331 are widowed and 3,304 are divorced.

In addition, 32 Freisingers live in a registered civil partnership.

religious affiliation

And what about religious affiliation in the cathedral city?

Just under 39 percent of Freising's population - namely 19,815 - belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

A good nine percent (4758) are members of the Protestant Church.

There are also 228 Greek Orthodox believers and 195 Russian Orthodox.

799 people belong to various other religions or beliefs.

The majority of Freising's citizens – with 25,294 people almost 50 percent – ​​are non-denominational or have left the church.


You can find more current news from the district of Freising at