The Limited Times

Members of the Nahala movement establish new settlements in Judea and Samaria: "We do not plan to return to our homes" | Israel Today

7/19/2022, 2:10:16 PM

Purpose of construction: War on Palestinian takeover • Daniela Weiss on defense minister: "History will judge him for abandoning the area" • Members of the movement clarify: "We are against a confrontation with the security forces"

The Nahala movement plans to establish three new localities tomorrow (Wednesday), in Benjamin, Samaria and Judea.

The exact locations have not been released to make it difficult for security forces to prevent their establishment.

These localities are the beginning of a plan to establish 28 new localities in the territories of Judea and Samaria.

Hundreds of families plan to immigrate to localities for which "water has reached the soul."

 In preparation for the aliyah to the IDF localities, the Israel Police and the security forces are preparing to maintain security and law and order in the areas, at checkpoints, and at key points throughout Judea and Samaria.

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz said strict enforcement would be taken, and no violation of the law would be allowed.

In a zoom meeting of the Nahala movement held today, the head of the movement, Daniela Weiss, explained that the purpose of the aliyah is "to block the Palestinian plan to build on Area C."

She accused Defense Minister Ganz of approving illegal Palestinian outposts, especially in two areas leading to Gush Etzion.

And said that "history will judge him for abandoning the territory."

She opposes giving land to the Palestinians because "the land does not belong to one person, nor to the leader, but to the Jewish people."

Defense Minister Gantz ordered security forces to prevent the establishment of settlements, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

In Zoom, the people of the estate made it clear that the lands to which they are immigrating are state lands.

And they call on the state: "Recover and return to the establishment of Jewish settlements and fight the Palestinian takeover of the territories of Judea and Samaria."

Weiss added: "We have made a decision not to be silent anymore. I announce here - we do not plan to return to our homes."

However, Weiss made it clear that they were against a confrontation with the security forces.

She spoke out against the use of the army in front of the settlers and said: "The army must not be used to bend politically."

She called the fear of clashes with the security forces "an evil trend to accuse the Nahala movement of plans of confrontation with the security forces."

Were we wrong?


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