The Limited Times

Owner search via Facebook: Chicken travels 20 kilometers hitchhiking

7/19/2022, 10:40:25 PM

In the US state of Vermont, a chicken has traveled to the nearest town on a pickup truck. A woman took care of the animal and searched online for the owner. The grateful family renamed the bird upon its return.

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Chicken (symbol image): »Bug« became »Amelia« in the end


Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / picture alliance / dpa

How exactly the animal got on the wagon is not known.

One thing is certain: Because a chicken got on the chassis of a pick-up truck in the US state of Vermont, it traveled a distance of around 20 kilometers from Hinesburg to Burlington.

After an intensive search, the finder was able to identify the owner family, as reported by a regional TV station.

Chicken "Bug" was first noticed by a woman who drank a coffee in Burlington's market square and realized that the animal was in an awkward position.

"It's a chicken!

That's a chicken on Church Street and I don't know why it's here," Lo Fasano told the network of her thoughts upon seeing the animal.

“How can I find out who owns it?” She then called nearby animal shelters and farms, as well as the police.

"They said they don't bother with chickens."

So Fasano took the bird home, gave it food and a place to rest, and then started a social media search.

A Facebook post actually led to the owner family being located, as the TV station reported.

Chicken back home

The chicken is now home.

Because of its adventurous spirit, the family renamed it: from "Bug" to "Amelia" - after Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.

"I'm thinking about her and I'm really glad there was a happy ending," said finder Lo Fasano.
