The Limited Times

The first comprehensive book fair in Aleppo

7/19/2022, 8:34:42 PM

Aleppo, SANA- The Private University of Cordoba hosted the first comprehensive book fair, which was organized by the Syndicate of Engineers in Aleppo in cooperation


Cordoba Private University hosted the first comprehensive book fair organized by the Syndicate of Engineers in Aleppo in cooperation with the National Union of Syrian Students, which includes more than 3,000 titles of specialized scientific books.

The titles target college students in dentistry, architecture and technology as well as cultural, intellectual and literary books.

The head of the Media and Publication Committee at the Syndicate of Engineers, Engineer Mariette Jabbour, explained that the exhibition, which was held in partnership with Dar Al-Ruwad, includes many diverse books in various fields with the aim of enhancing the role of the paper book as it is a reliable source of information and encourages students to scientific research, reading and striving to access the latest science and knowledge.

The President of Cordoba Private University, Dr. Eng. Lara Qadeed, drew attention to the importance of such exhibitions, which deal with students' scientific interests and expand their knowledge.

A number of attendees of the 3-day exhibition pointed to its comprehensiveness and its richness in specialized titles that provide documented information, especially in the scientific and medical fields.

Zainab Chahoud

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