The Limited Times

Turkey “hopes for support from Russia and Iran in the face of terrorism” in Syria

7/19/2022, 6:46:39 PM

The war in Ukraine has strengthened the anti-Western alliance between these three countries. Turkey is counting on the " support of Russia and Iran in the fight against terrorism " in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, stressing that " words are not enough ". " What we expect from Russia and Iran is their support in the face of terrorism ", he insisted after citing the main Kurdish movements operating in northeastern Syria, on the Turkish border. , where he threatened

Turkey is counting on the "

support of Russia and Iran in the fight against terrorism

" in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, stressing that "

words are not enough



What we expect from Russia and Iran is their support in the face of terrorism

", he insisted after citing the main Kurdish movements operating in northeastern Syria, on the Turkish border. , where he threatened to intervene.